Hello from 2H

Term 1… We are learning to follow our LPS values: Respect, Resilience and Responsibility in the classroom and in the yard. Inquiry topic –‘Respectful Relationships’. We discussed what makes a good friend. Science topic – ‘Water Works’. 



Zoe AI am respectful when I am not rude to others and I don’t make people do what they don’t want to do. 
Xavier BI am resilient when I am doing my writing because I keep doing it. 
Liam I am a good friend because I treat people with respect. 
River Water is important because it keeps you healthy and hydrated.
Elise I am respectful because I help people when they are hurt. 
Mason DI am resilient when I am riding my bike and race people because I don’t get upset. 
Jayden I am a good friend because I help others and I let people join in. 
Marley Water is important because it keeps you energised. 
WillI am respectful because I help others when they are hurt and treat them with respect. 
Zoe MI am resilient when I keep reading books and don’t give up. 
GreysonI am a good friend because I’m nice to people and I share. 
Ariya Water is important because it helps you when you are thirsty. 
Lola I am respectful when I include people in my games and I listen to people. 
Mason PI am a good friend because I’m nice to others.  
Chloe I am a good friend because I play nicely with others and I share. 
Maddison Water is important because it helps trees to grow. 
Piper I am respectful because I play with people when they have no one to play with. 
Ridley I am resilient when I need to do my work because I don’t stop until I’m finished. 
Kylah I am a good friend because I let people play with me and I care for people. 
Lucy Water is important because we can drink water on hot days. 
Nadia I am respectful when I clean my room and I care for others. 
Hunter I am resilient when I am doing my math work because I keep doing it. 
Xavier TI am a good friend because I share my toys with people and help them when they are hurt. 
EvieWater is important because it helps us stay alive.  
Esmae I am respectful when I do my chores at home.