Upcoming Events

Term 1

Friday 7th March

Junior School Assembly - LPAC - Badge Presentations

Metro Music Lessons - Makeup class

QKR - Permission CLOSE for Year 4 Bike Ed


Monday 10th March

Labour Day Public Holiday

iCan Training Walk - 9am


Wednesday 12th March

Year 3 + 5 - NAPLAN


Thursday 13th March

Year 3 + 5 - NAPLAN


Thursday 14th March

Year 3 + 5 - NAPLAN

Year 4 - Bike Checks

PFA Book Sale - Before and After School

Senior Assembly - LPAC - Badge Presentation

QKR - Payment CLOSE for Hot Dog Day


Monday 17th March

iCan Training Walk

Year 3 + 5 - NAPLAN

Year 4 - Bike Ed

QKR - Payment CLOSE for Prep - 6 Brainstorm


Tuesday 18th March

NAPLAN - Catch-up testing

Year 4 - Bike Ed


Wednesday 19th March

NAPLAN - Catch-up testing

Year 4 - Bike Ed

QKR - Payment OPEN for Year 5 Forest Edge Camp

QKR - Payment CLOSE for Northern Peninsula Swimming - select students ONLY


Thursday 20th March

Free Dress Day - iCAN Donation 

(Slabs of Water, Lolly Snakes, Muesli Bars, Dried Fruit, Sultanas, Chocolate Drops, Almonds, Smarties )

NAPLAN - Catch-up testing

Year 4 - Bike Ed

QKR - Payment OPEN for Year 1 Coal Creek


Friday 21st March

NAPLAN - Catch-up testing

Year 4 - Bike Ed

Year 6 - The What Bus

Junior School Assembly - LPAC - Year 2 presenting


Monday 24th March

iCAN Training Walk - 8am

NAPLAN - Catch-up testing

Prep - 6 - Brainstorm 

QKR - Payment CLOSE for Year 6 Lightning Premiership


Friday 28th March

Hot Dog Day

QKR - Permission CLOSE for Year 3 - 6 Cross Country


Monday 31st March

Summer Sports Lightning Premiership 


Tuesday 1st April

iCAN Walk


Wednesday 2nd April

Year 3 - LPAC Movie

QKR - Payment CLOSE for Year 5 Forest Edge Camp


Thursday 3rd April

QKR - Payment CLOSE for Prep Inquisitive Kids

QKR - Payment CLOSE for Year 1 Coal Creek


Friday 4th April

Year 3 - 6 Cross Country

Whole School Assembly - Outside Stage - Above + Beyond

Term 4 ends