Principal's Report

Drop off and Pick up zone

In recent weeks we have had two near misses in the drop off and pick up zone.  The safety of students, staff and families is and always will be our priority.  I thought it was timely to share a few reminders about how you can help our drop off and pick up zone work effectively.

  1. Please drive through at a slow pace.  Move up and leave no gaps to ensure we have as many cars as possible within the slip lane. This reduces the number of cars waiting on Warrandyte Road.
  2. Use your indicator (left) in the slip lane to indicate that you are going into the drop off / pick up zone.  This assists the slip lane crossing staff to know where cars are going.
  3. We will continue to put traffic cones out to guide cars into the drop off / pick up zone.
  4. When pulling into the drop off / pick up zone, please drive as far forward as possible; this allows us to fit 4 cars in at a time.
  5. Please remain in the car.  Having your passenger window down can help staff when asking the name of the student/s.
  6. We will assist with car doors, bags and seat belts as required.  We will walk any students that need to enter or exit from the driver’s side.
  7. Staff will no longer be moving traffic cones to allow cars to exit from the middle of the drop off / pick up zone.  Victoria Police have advised us that this is putting staff at a higher risk with vehicle movement and is not necessary.
  8. Once cars are filled with students, cars will exit in order out of the pick up / drop off zone to re-enter the slip lane and then exit on to Warrandyte Road safely.
  9. In the situation where we have several cars loaded with students and you are situated in the front two bays, if your child/ren has/have still not arrived at the pick up zone, you may be asked by staff to exit to Warrandyte Road and return again. This allows the traffic to keep moving in the pick up / drop off zone and cars to collect children who are ready and waiting.
  10. Similarly, if you have a child who is having difficulty exiting the car in the mornings, you may be asked to exit back onto Warrandyte Road and try again, or find a parking bay.

What we do ask for is patience and respect towards our staff.  When dismissing 670 students at the same time, along with two other schools on the same road, it is going to be busy.  We appreciate your support with this.


Athletics Day

The weather was on our side this year, in fact a little warmer than predicted! What a wonderful day at our annual 3-6 athletics carnival.  A huge thank you to Mr Coburn for all the organising and bookings that go into a day like this.  Another thank you to the EMC Leaders In Sport students and Mr Riggs for their help and to all staff for making this event a success.


Year 1 and 2 Swimming

A special thank you to the helpers during Year 1 and 2 swimming. These weeks are intense but very worthwhile for our students.


Late Drop Off

If you drop your child/ren off to school late, they must be signed in late by a parent at the office. Children are not to come to the office to sign themselves in.  I appreciate your future support in this matter. 


Ninja Course

Construction of the Ninja Course is well underway.  This project is the culmination of two years of fund raising from our small but hardworking Parents and Friends group.  The final part will be some soft fall mulch to be placed at the base of the course and then we (or should I say ‘the kids’) will be ready to go!  Stay tuned for some pictures on Facebook in the coming weeks.


Back Gate

I know several families make use of the back gate at the end of the school day.  We know this helps ease the number of students exiting at the front of the school also.  A reminder that this gate will continue to be locked by staff at 3.40pm as they need to head off to after school meetings.  Thank you for your understanding with this.


Have a wonderful fortnight, 

Mrs Pepper