
Snapshot of Wellbeing at BSPS - Week 5 of Term 1.

What better way to share what wellbeing looks, sounds and feels like at our school than taking a walk around the classes to see what they have been exploring. Here is the snapshot I captured! It was cool to see some very common themes we learn about from Foundation, all the way through to Year 6, such as Growth Mindset, Emotional Regulation, Help Seeking, Belonging and Teamwork.


What do you think our school is really good at doing with Wellbeing?

There’s always Yard duty teachers if you need them everyday at Lunch and recess. If you get hurt and there is no teacher around it isn’t good. The teachers are there to help us. You also get to be creative at our school  - Danny Yr 3

Including others and making them feel welcome - Bianca Yr 5 

Kindness, helping others, respecting them. You see that outside in the yard and also in the classroom, like, if someone is talking you listen to them and respect them - Shamsa Yr 6

Good at learning more than 1 thing about a topic. One week we might learn about inclusion and then the following week the next lesson will build on from that and covers different topics - Tom Year 5


What have you learned in Social Emotional Learning so far this year? 

We have been learning and getting to know our new teacher so we feel safe around her - Danny Y3 

The calming corner is for you when you feel sad or hurt and you need to calm down and you can breath - Espe Y3

If you feel a bit lonely you can calm down for 5 minutes and be ready to learn - Danny Y3

Learning about types of emotions, the calming corner tools and expectations. How it’s ok to feel an emotion but not ok to act on one. - Tom Yr 5

Going back to the green zone and taking your time to get there, that way you are ready to learn. If you stay sad you might not learn anything. It’s better to take some time to regulate yourself back into the green zone - Tom, Bianca and Shamsa



International Women’s Day is coming up!

The Inclusion Action Team invites all students to wear anything purple on the 7th of March. This year’s theme is Accelerate Action. We will invite anyone to write a gratitude note for any women in their lives (the display will be in the foyer area!)

We will be sharing information about the history of International Women’s Day and inviting students to join in with photos to show their support! All optional 🙂