Learning Specialists

What is Mathematical Modelling?

The Victorian Curriculum has, and continues to be, revised across all areas of the curriculum. The latest version, 2.0, of Maths describes that Mathematical Modelling needs to be taught across all year levels. It has always been a part of the Victorian Curriculum 1.0 but in the latest version it is much more explicitly stated, so, just what is it?


Mathematical Modelling is the process of taking a real-world problem and using maths to solve it but also making sure the solution is practical for the real world. It may involve using one or more of the strands in the curriculum (number, algebra, measurement, space, statistics, probability). Using more than one strand supports students to see how interconnected all the strands are.


In Years 3/4, mathematical modelling was introduced last week. All the elephants from Melbourne Zoo have been transported to their new home at Werribee Open-Range Zoo.

Their new 'enclosure' is now the size of 5 MCG's! The problem of transporting them was posed to the students using information already gained as well as making assumptions (an important part of the process) about transporting them. What was the least number of trips to be made making sure that the elephants' welfare is considered as well as keeping costs to a minimum? Their upcoming visit to Werribee Zoo in a few weeks enhanced this learning experience as they had plenty of wonderings about elephants from this one activity.


Students worked in pairs to come up with possible solutions. Unbeknown to them they were practising multi-digit addition, the focus of the learning for the last few weeks. Their engagement was evident throughout the classrooms. Here are a few pictures of their engagement and workings. It is a different mindset for them to develop as they realise there is not one answer but a number of possible solutions that are also practical.