Specialists - PE (Katherine & Miss Wood)

Preparation is well underway for our F-6 Athletics Day on Thursday, April 3. Students in Years Three - Six have been practising their throwing techniques when using the discus and shot put, developing their jumping technique in long jump and a few weeks ago we completed the ever popular high jump event in class. It has been incredible seeing the improvement and hard work the students have shown throughout the Athletics Unit. This week we will practise the steps used for triple jump and continue to work on correct sprinting technique.
Our Foundation-Year Two students have also been working hard developing correct overarm throwing technique, leaping through hoops, practising standing broad jump and also learning to run fast whilst looking ahead and running in a straight line! This week, students will enjoy practising their long jump skills in the sand.
In Week 7, March 14th, we will be holding our annual Cross Country trials at the Miners Rest Park for any interested Year Three - Six students.