Year Five/Six News 

Exploring First Nations Culture – Dreamtime Stories and Totems

This term, in our Humanities Unit, students have been learning about the rich cultural heritage of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.


Students explored Dreamtime stories – traditional stories that explain the creation of the land, animals, and natural features. Each story carries an important moral or lesson, and students discussed these messages and their relevance today. As part of their learning, students worked with a buddy to create their own Dreamtime story, encouraging creativity while deepening their understanding of First Nations storytelling traditions.


Students also learned about the cultural significance of totems to First Nations peoples. Totems, which can be natural objects, plants, or animals, represent identity, responsibility, and a spiritual connection to the land. Each person, family, or community is linked to a specific totem, which carries cultural and spiritual importance. To extend their learning, students designed their own totem by choosing an Australian animal.