Year Three/Four News 

Writing in Year Three/Four

Over the past few weeks, Year Three/Four students have been learning how to structure sentences correctly. They have explored the types of sentences that can be used in writing, such as Declarative (fact or opinion), Interrogative (question), Imperative (command) and Exclamatory (emotional/exclamation mark). We have also learnt about what makes up a sentence, which includes a subject and predicate (action/verb). Throughout this time, we have seen a big improvement in the quality of sentences written. Please see some examples of the sentences below:

This week, we have also started to think and plan for an information report about an African animal. On Monday, students engaged in a safari throughout the Brady building, which they were very excited for! This will also connect with their excursion to the Werribee Zoo, where they will hopefully see their chosen animal and can learn some interesting facts about them.



*A reminder that permission forms for the Werribee Zoo are due back tomorrow, Thursday 6th March.