Music News 

Welcome to 2025 students in the Junior and Senior Choir.  Our first rehearsals began this week with a fantastic turn out to both rehearsals. The Juniors on Tuesday morning at 7:45am began with gentle breathing exercises, warm up exercises, fun songs and performances.  We had an excellent turn out of Year 6 in the Senior choir with some beautiful voices coming through.  


This year we will be performing at Choral Fanfare, mid-year Shine concert, Eisteddfods in Robina and Night of Stars, end of the year concert.  We will be busy! Specific dates to be advised.  


Parents if students are unable to attend any rehearsals, please message me on ClassDojo as I record attendance at every rehearsal and it is noted if a genuine reason is given by the parent.  Our first performance will be ANZAC DAY for the Senior choir.