The School Captains & Leaders

Meet our 2025 School Captains

(the Classy Captains)


Tell us a bit about yourselfI’m a sporty and hard working kid and I especially love tennis. I love helping people out and being kind to anyone I meet. I love trying new things and having new experiences. My favourite thing to do though is hanging out and having fun with my family.
Why did you want to become a school captain?I love leading people along the way and helping them in any way possible so this role was one of my top desires. I also love trying new things and interacting with new people and I hoped this role would do that for me.
What are some ideas you have for St Anne’s in 2025?I don’t necessarily have any ideas for the 2025 school year but my goal is to listen to all of the students and act on their requests.
A fun fact about me is…One of my favourite things to do at school is downball and my favourite subject is writing because I can share my ideas with the world.


Tell us a bit about yourselfHi my names Amelia and I will be 12 on march 23. I love playing netball and talking to my friends. Something I often do is bake. I have 2 dogs Chigly and yoda. In my time at St Anne's I have started the hermit crab class pet project with my friend Christine. I am very excited to help Mr Arthurson and the rest of the leadership team lead St Anne's to success!
Why did you want to become a school captain?When I was in prep I saw the School Captains doing so much for our school. Ever since I knew when I had the chance to run for School Captain it was something I was going to do because I love the idea of leaving a positive mark at the school. 
What are some ideas you have for St Anne’s in 2025?This year I would love to create a time capsule for our school. I would also like to do another MMD dunk tank fundraiser which is something that I know has been requested amongst the grade 6's. I would like to do the fundraiser stalls that the grade sixes did when I was in prep. Overall I am really excited to be a school captain this year and hopeful I will be able to bring some of my ideas to life.
A fun fact about me is…I love reading lots of books and playing roblox with my friends.
who is someone that inspires you.My parents and sister have also always inspired me my parents pushed me to do my best and my sister has always believed in me and shaped me into the person I am today. 


Tell us a bit about yourselfHi everybody! My name is Sophie Giuliano and I am one of St Anne's 2025's School Captains. I have an adorable bulldog named Rosie and my grandparents have 2 Bulldogs called “ Bobby” and “ Blossom.” I'm the middle child with an older sister at Salesian and a younger brother at St Anne's. My parents are also both teachers. I am very excited to help Mr Arthurson and the rest of the leadership team lead St Annes to success!
Why did you want to become a school captain?I wanted to become School Captain because I wanted to help, make a positive difference and do more for the St Anne's community. I've wanted to be a School Captain ever since about year 2 when I understood what they did. 
What are some ideas you have for St Anne’s in 2025?I have a few ideas. Lots of people at St Anne's have trouble making friends and at break time, they are playing by themselves which is something I want to change. So I have an idea of holding a writing and reading club for half of lunch every fortnight. I also wanted to expand my idea of “ the gratitude box.” The gratitude box is a project I created in year five where my class could write little gratitude notes to each other. I thought that every class could have one and at assembly I could read out which class wrote the most gratitude notes. 
A fun fact about me is…I was born on 4/5/13. That is actually Star Wars day. People made it star wars day because people say “May the 4th be with you!”  I will be 12 this year.
Who are the people that inspire you and who are you thankful for?My family and friends really inspire me. My family has helped me grow into the person I am today so I thank them for that. Also thank you to my amazing friends who inspire me every day and who are always there for me. They will have a laugh with me, they’ll talk, etc. They're just amazing so thank you. 


Tell us a bit about yourselfHello I am Harvey and I am a School Captain at St Anne's. I was born on the 23rd of May 2013 and I am eleven (twelve soon). Some of my favourite things involve, drawing, riding my motorbike and hanging out with my friends.
Why did you want to become a school captain?A major part of me wanting to be a school captain when I was in year 5. When I was in year 5 I took up a job for Mr Arthurson about replacing the old flagpoles and since then have wanted to make a positive impact on the school and leave a positive mark.
What are some ideas you have for St Anne’s in 2025?When I was in year four I opened a chess club for anyone who wanted to join the club to learn how to play or make friends. I know that chess is not something everyone is interested in. So I would like to give other students the opportunity to make/run their own clubs to make a more inclusive vibe.
A fun fact about me is…I have a dog named Annie who should have the Guinness world record for being the grumpiest dog who ever lived.
How or what inspired you?One of the key things that inspired me was my mum and dad,they helped my do everything from helping me write my speech, to helping me think of ideas for the school,I would never have made it this far without them so shout out to them  


Tell us a bit about yourselfHi, my name is Olivia Cain. I have an older sister and a dog. My dog's name is Nugget and he is 4 years old. My sister's name is Isabel. I’m 11 years old and turning 12 in May. I love hanging out with my friends. I love school, playing basketball and P.E. I love animals and making an impact on things.
Why did you want to become a school captain?I wanted to become a School Captain because my sister was one in the class of 2022. I wanted to be a school captain just like she was. I also love helping other people and I thought this was the way to help.
What are some ideas you have for St Anne’s in 2025?When I was in year 5 I created something for preps called the “SUP” (Social Upbeat People) program where they could find friends and play some board games. I would love to bring that back and I would also love to continue the Captains Lunch to keep students updated. I have so many ideas and I hope they will make St.Anne's a better place for the students to come and ready for the next School Captains.
A fun fact about me is…A fun fact about me is that my dog’s parents are blonde and black and he is black and white! Funny how things work out!
Who is someone that inspires you?My sister has inspired me to become School Captain since she applied. I look up to her for any leadership advice. My teachers over the years have also inspired me by helping turn me into the person I am today. 


Tell us a bit about yourselfMy name is Hudson and I will be 12 on the 7th of May, I am also colour blind to red and green shades. I like playing with my friends such as Leroy, Elliot and Knox; some of the great peers that I have in this school. I have a dog, Rebel, who lives up to her name who is 3 and a sister who is turning 14 this year along with 2 amazing parents who raised me and taught me basically all the skills and smarts I have.
Why did you want to become a school captain?My year 6 buddy when I was in prep was a school captain. Jack was really nice and showed me a lot of stuff you get to do when you're a school captain and ever since then I was determined to be a school captain and lead by the example he was.
What are some ideas you have for St Anne’s in 2025?I think we should bring back the talent show as introduced in 2024 where everyone had a chance to show what talent they had and the teachers would choose the best acts which then would be performed after school sometime in early November. 
A fun fact about me is…I am a fan of the ongoing movie franchise “Jurassic Park”. As a kid I just found dinosaurs fascinating and now I love dinosaurs in general as I know much about them. I’m really looking forward to the release of the new movie this year.
Who is your inspirationMy inspiration is my nan as she always gets back up in any situation. Over the years she has had cancer two times, blood poisoning and had a stroke. She is still fine as she works on her garden everyday. She has also experienced a lot of losses of close family members throughout her life. Through all of this she is still full of love and hope and is currently travelling overseas.