Principal's Report
with Mr Christopher Cotching
Principal's Report
with Mr Christopher Cotching
What a magnificent start we have had to our year at Chatham Primary School. There is so much occurring in our school that continues to engage our students, staff and community.
Parents Information Sessions – Foundation to Year 6
These will be conducted over the following days and will provide our parents with a magnificent insight and knowledge about the provision of class programs at all levels.
Foundation – 3:40pm Tuesday 25th February in the Foundation KB classroom.
Years 1 & 2 – 3:40pm Tuesday 25th February in Year the 1/2A classroom.
Years 3 & 4 – 3:00pm Wednesday 26th February in Year the 3/4L classroom.
Years 5 & 6 – 3:40pm Thursday 27th February in the Year 5/6B classroom.
Together with our Year Level Newsletters, parents are able to gain considerable insight into the program specific to their child. Also, it will be a wonderful opportunity for parents to ask questions and seek greater clarity over the development of the program over the course of the year. Again, I convey our appreciation of the efforts of our staff to bring this to fruition and provide separate days for the levels involved.
School Council 2025
Last Monday 17th February 2025, I informed our school community regarding the Declaration of the poll for the 2025 School Council Elections. Our first meeting of the new School Council is to be conducted on Monday 17th March 2025. At this meeting, the School Council determines the Office Bearers for 2025. Prior to electing the Office Bearers, the School Council has the opportunity to consider the provision of Co-opted Community members and also positions for any outstanding vacancies.
On Monday 17th February 2025, we had our last meeting of our existing School Council. The vacancies in part are created by parents whose children are entering secondary school and partly because of the tenure of councillors has expired. This was the final meeting for Mr Dan Heath our current School Council President; Ms Kristy Mcilvenna our immediate past President; our Treasurer Mr Richard Struthers; and Mr Ashley Davies convenor of our Buildings and Grounds Committee. We are highly appreciative and grateful for the leadership and insights of Mr Dan Heath, and the contributions of all who are moving on to other challenges and opportunities in their lives.
At the close of the School Council Election process, we congratulate the following persons:
Anna Bailey | Parent Member |
Eric Chin | Parent Member |
Renae Hanvin | Parent Member |
Caroline Kennon | Parent Member |
Ashley Nasiakos | Parent Member |
Sophie Rigg | Parent Member |
Vacant | Parent Member |
Vacant | Parent Member |
Georgina Kirwan | Department of Education |
Andrea McLeod | Department of Education |
Christopher Cotching | Department of Education |
Vacant | Community Member position |
Vacant | Community Member position |
Currently the School Council has two parent vacancies and the propensity to nominate two other parents for the community vacancies.
Community members can be parents or other interested members of the School Council and at the discretion of the School Council, can be for one or two years. If you are interested in being considered as a Community member or for one of the two parent vacancies, please email me directly at by Wednesday 12th March 2025.
School Camps 2025
Recently Ms Kirwan has been in contact with the Year 5 & 6 Camp at Waratah Bay. There is now an opportunity for us to extend the period of the Camp to four days from the period 1st April 2025 to 4th April 2025. This was approved in principle at our School Council meeting on the 17th February 2025 with final documentation and details to be presented at the March 2025 meeting.
We are also currently in the process of considering the potential for a Year 3 & 4 Camp. Given that we were at Lyrebird Park Camp in 2024 we are seeking other venues with appropriate dates for a new experience for our Year 4 students. Mr Tim Clarke is making enquiries at suitable venues including Arrabri Lodge, East Warburton, for later in the year.
We are also hopeful that we will be able to provide the Year 2 students with a sleepover experience at school during the latter part of 2025.
House Swimming Carnival – Tuesday 11th February 2025 and District Carnival 18th February 2025
We were delighted to witness the excitement and euphoria of our House Swimming Carnival at Bialik College Pool on Tuesday 11th February 2025. It was wonderful to witness the fun of our students recanting their House chants that were introduced in 2023. On this occasion, McEvoy were winners on 214 points, defeating Fenton next on 203 points. It was wonderful to see the magnificent efforts by our students, but also the many parents who assisted to support our students and took part in various event duties. Thank you again to Mr Walter Boulton and Ms Georgina Kirwan who crafted and organised the events, and the many staff and parents who gladly made it successful for our students.
We were delighted to have fourteen of our students participate in the Kooyong District Sports Swimming Carnival, held at the Boroondara Sporting Complex on Tuesday 18th February 2025. All of our students gave their best in the 50-metre pool with Katrina Poon now progressing to the Divisional Swimming Competition in the 50 metres Butterfly event. Well achieved, Katrina! Thank you again Mr Boulton, Mrs Cathy Townsend and the parents who assisted proceedings and/or encouraged our students on the day.
Parent-Teacher Discussions
At the time of writing, these are continuing and we are pleased that most parents have taken this important opportunity to meet with their child’s class teacher(s). These occured on Tuesday 11th and Wednesday 12th February and continued on Tuesday 18th and Wednesday 19th February. The meetings have been face-to-face meetings. The feedback from parents has been overwhelmingly positive with this approach for 2025.
Kitchen Garden arrangements – Term 1
We are delighted with the progress we are making in this important area. Ms Leda Semercioglu will work with our teachers in the Year 3 & 4 area to progress our plans in here. It was magnificent to see a number of our parents working with Ms Semercioglu on Tuesday and engaging with our students to support them so positively in this area. Currently our teaching staff together with Ms Semercioglu are planning a program for this term that is created through research, resources and insights from others connected with the program. We very much look forward to our students being involved and the interest generated from experiences in 2024 has been infectious.
Library Enhancements at Chatham
Recently I wrote to you about the exceptional developments that are occurring in this area of our school under the inspiration, dedication and skills of Ms Andrea McLeod. Ms McLeod is an Education Support Officer and works in this area on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Ms Mcleod continues to highlight our ongoing book purchases, encourages their use by staff and students, and generates an enormous interest with her changing themes to support classroom inquiry themes. We also continue to be assisted by four previous parents who provide a couple of hours involvement on Wednesdays. We continue to receive a standing order from Lamont Books and recently Mr Boulton has used a Physical Education grant to purchase books. We have a full range of new sports fiction books that have arrived in the Library. These are part of the government’s 'Play Well Strategy', which has been developed 'to create great sporting environments and experiences, where individuals of all ages, backgrounds, genders and abilities can come together to access the benefits of sport'.
Recently we set up our STEM and Mathematics Resources Room for all students across our school. Together with Mr Peter Manning, we have obtained 10.8 metres of modular shelving to store and organise this equipment. All classes are timetabled to use this area for an hour per week. Teachers focus upon materials and learning opportunities that relate to inquiry topics, but also insights provided in this area by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority. Ms Scantleton is our school-wide coordinator of STEM and we look forward to her ongoing leadership and drive in this area.
NAPLAN Testing for 2025
Already we are preparing for this event to be implemented between 12th - 24th March 2025. The extended timeline provides schools with more flexibility in administering the test instruments. There is considerable preliminary work that needs to be undertaken, particularly in the technical provision area. Given the Department of Education only provides our school with five hours of IT support per week, this is somewhat challenging for all involved – students and staff. Mr Tim Clarke coordinates and oversees this important area.
Student Leadership – Year 6 2025.
At this stage, our students are in the process of gaining a leadership role this year. Our practices here are well-established and involve the students nominating for the positions of School Captains, School Vice Captains and House Captains, and providing a speech as to why they should be considered. Their peers in Years 5 & 6 cast their vote and appointments are made. All students are also provided with the opportunity to preference all remaining leadership positions that are available. Every effort is then made to give students their first, second or third preference and subsequently badges are provided at our School Assembly, Teachers are also allocated to particular student leader groups to work with for the year during our weekly Year 6 Leadership hour. At this stage we hope to be able to present all students with their badges at the School Assembly on Monday 3rd March 2025.
Japanese Stone Garden – New Developments
The developments in this area continue to abound. Rampant Sensei continues to invoke great interest and enthusiasm in this area. We have been privileged to be joined by Japanese Intern Ayumi who continues to create enormous diversity and support for our students as they immerse themselves in the program. Thank you also for the drive and inspiration provide by a parent, Ms Miranda Talbot and James Talbot in Year 5, with recent enhancements to the Japanese Garden with the provision of new stones and rakes for students to create patterns and interest. In time we also hope to progress our planned mural for the southern wall.
Thank you
Christopher Cotching