Hello from our students and teachers
Respect, Responsibility and Kindness
Hello from our students and teachers
Respect, Responsibility and Kindness
Welcome back everyone
Room 2 is up and running smoothly with Mrs Kirkpatrick, Danni and myself Ms K making up the team. The students have settled in and been learning the routines and expectations of our classroom quickly.
It has been great catching up with parents this past week, learning a bit more about the students and setting some goals for the term, thankyou everyone.
The class has been working hard on literacy and numeracy as well as enjoying lots of extra curriculum activities provided by our wonderful specialist staff. This week, thanks to Mrs Hicks we had the opportunity to participate in a Hockey Clinic and learn some new skills.
A few of our class already play hockey at the Garden Gully Hockey Complex and a few more are thinking of trying out.
In numercy Mrs Kirkpatirick has been working on measurment on her Fridays. She has been teaching the students how to use formal and informal units to measure the length of different objects . One of the acitivites she did was the one attached. Students had to find the length of some of Australia's animals and present this information, Ryda's crocodile took some time to measure and construct I heard. Mrs K gets all the fun maths on a Friday and the kids really enjoy it.
Danni took a few photos for us.
In literacy we have been working on our descriptive writing and on building our vocabulary. We have been learning how to use tier 2 words such as adjectives and verbs together with our senses to help the reader visual what we are writing about. We have been descriting lots of different characters and settings over the past couple of weeks such as bushfires, floods, haunted houses and places that are special to us.
After writing lots of descriptions we had to choose the one that we thought was our best and then got to type it up for our Year Book. Here are just a few of our descriptions for you to read. Hope you enjoy reading them.
We have our camp coming up soon so keep an eye out for further information on Sentral and some notes that will come home closer to the date.
Cheers Di, Kim and Danni