Principal Update

St Francis, Nathalia is a child safe school.  

We promote the safety, wellbeing and inclusion of all children.

An update from our Principal


Dear Parents, Care givers, Staff, Students and Friends of St Francis,


The beginning of the school year has started with plenty of enthusiasm and activity in and around the school. We have begun the year by celebrating the first day of school for our Foundation students. Thank you to everybody who joined us at school followed by a very enjoyable coffee and chat at the bakery. Last Friday we also conducted our beginning of year ‘Welcome Breakfast’. A great crowd turned out with a joy filled vibe around the school. Thank you also to those parents and care givers who joined us for the Magnify Sandhurst presentation. Then on Tuesday night we conducted the first of two parent / teacher interview nights. Thank you to those parents and care givers who joined us and thank you to those who will join us next Tuesday evening. As the year progresses, we will continue to welcome our families into school to partner with us in the learning journey. Current research tells us that a positive partnership between home and school improves the learning outcomes of your children.


Magnify Sandhurst:

Magnify Sandhurst places teachers and support staff at the forefront of your children’s educational journey, emphasizing their role in delivering a knowledge rich curriculum to enhance your child’s educational outcomes.



Magnify Sandhurst has partnered highly reputed educational experts to help deliver these desired outcomes. These include:

  • Multi Lit – Improved literacy outcomes for all students
  • Knowledge Society – A new behaviour curriculum to support safe, calm and peaceful classrooms
  • OCHRE – To provide a low variance, knowledge rich curriculum
  • Step Lab – Instructional Coaching Program for staff
  • LME Global – For staff to understand the neuroscience of learning and improve the learning experience

Lastly, Magnify Sandhurst is being delivered to 16,000 students and being rolled out in over 50 schools in the Sandhurst dioceses. This collective effort and ‘all in’ approach across Sandhurst is another unique and exciting part of this educational platform.


With Peace and Goodwill,

Matt Carver

School Principal