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How Reading Can Literally Change Your Brain Chemistry
The science behind books’ brain-boosting power
Growing up, I was the only kid among my friends’ cycle who liked reading books.
While I found my sanctuary in literature, they preferred sports or video games, and most viewed reading as a hobby for nerds. In high school, some classmates even mocked me for it: I was the bookworm, the one who’d rather spend Saturday nights with a paperback than at a crowded party.
I never let any teasing get to me because I knew my love for books was rewiring my brain in ways they couldn’t even imagine. What most people don’t realise about reading is that it’s much more than a nerdy pastime that helps you escape reality or pass the time.
When you read, your brain undergoes various neurological processes, which, in other words, means that reading is capable of literally changing your brain chemistry.
I’ll explain how in this article. You don’t have to take my word for it, of course — everything is backed up by science.
The Release of Neurotransmitters
Whenever I’m feeling stressed or overwhelmed, I always reach for a book instead of my phone.
Nine times out of ten, getting lost in a good story and someone else’s narrative (and, you know, seeing there are far worse problems than mine) helps me calm my mind — and it’s not even a placebo effect.
Science explains that reading can rewire your neural pathways and trigger the release of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins.
These neurotransmitters are like the messengers of your brain, carrying important signals that can affect everything from your mood to your motivation. The specific trio I mentioned above are associated with feelings of pleasure, relaxation, and happiness.
I’ve found reading to be particularly helpful whenever my depression flares up. I usually opt for fantasy books or feel-good novels — they always manage to distract me from the heaviness of my thoughts. It’s empowering to know that it’s not just me: This study found that people who participated in a bibliotherapy program, which involved reading and discussing fiction novels, experienced significant reductions in symptoms of depression compared to a control group.
When you read something enjoyable or emotionally resonant, you’re literally changing your brain chemistry by giving your brain a powerful boost of feel-good hormones.
Your worries might not disappear entirely, but they won’t feel as heavy when you’re lost in a good read.
An Antidote to Stress
When you’re stressed, picking up a book might not be the first thing that comes to mind.
You might prefer to watch videos on TikTok, binge-watch a TV show or go for a walk. Obviously, everyone has their ways of coping with stress, but here’s my advice: don’t underestimate the power of reading as a stress relief tool.
Reading has been shown to reduce stress levels by activating the parasympathetic nervous system, which promotes relaxation and calms your body’s stress response. The levels of stress-related hormones such as cortisol also decline, contributing to a more balanced brain chemistry.
Now I know what you might be thinking: there’s no way reading a book can be compared with physical exercise or going out with a friend. Well, check this out: In this study, reading was found to be as effective as yoga and humour in reducing feelings of stress over a 30-minute period, and it can even lower your blood pressure and heart rate.
Amazing, right? Now I have an excuse to go buy more books.
If you’re wondering what book genre you should choose, I’ve got great news: it doesn’t matter.
According to Dr. David Lewis, a cognitive neuropsychologist who conducted a study that found reading can reduce stress by as much as 68%:
“Losing yourself in a book is the ultimate relaxation.It really doesn’t matter what book you read, by losing yourself in a thoroughly engrossing book you can escape from the worries and stresses of the everyday world and spend a while exploring the domain of the author’s imagination.”
Brain Bootcamp
Most people’s go-to place for knowledge is YouTube videos.
Short videos might help you understand a topic, but only on the surface. I think they’re a good starting point for exploring something, but they’re just that —a starting point. They don’t allow you to dive deeper into a subject matter, not like a book can.
Even Elon Musk who, whether you like him or not, is one of the most innovative minds in today’s business world, has said that growing up, he spent more than 10 hours a day pouring through science fiction novels.
I’m not surprised because reading leads to better, well, almost everything: memory, critical thinking, language processing — you name it. It’s exercise for your mental muscles.
Reading makes you smarter, or, to be more scientific, it enhances your cognitive functions.
Let’s skip the obvious part — that books make you smarter by putting knowledge directly into your hands. When you read, you stimulate multiple areas of your brain, increasing brain connectivity (meaning that different brain regions communicate more effectively with each other) over time. These changes in your brain activity influence the balance of neurotransmitters and neurochemicals involved in cognitive processes.
As you engage with a book, your brain forms new neural connections and pathways, improving cognitive function. Your brain is literally rewiring itself.
Empathic Resonance
Did you know that reading can rewire your brain in ways that make you a better person?
If you’ve been reading fiction for a while, you’ve probably witnessed it for yourself: how empathising with fictional characters can make you more empathetic towards people in the real world.
Science backs this up as well — reading fiction has been linked with increased empathy and understanding.
Here’s how it’s explained: reading fiction activates brain areas linked to sensory experiences in ways that mimic the neural activities of the experience you’re reading about. When you read, you’re absorbing experiences, perspectives, and emotions. Through books, you can basically experience the experiences of others, getting you neurologically one step closer to an understanding necessary for empathy.
It’s also been proven that reading evolves our theory of mind, which involves recognizing that others have thoughts, feelings, and perspectives that may differ from our own.
I know firsthand the transformative power of reading. I’ve shared before how certain books have inspired me to be more kind toward others by showing me characters with lives entirely different from mine and allowing me to walk in their shoes. I find it incredible how the stories we read can impact our understanding of the world and our relationships with others.
Reading truly transforms your brain — and, consequently, your character.
Every time someone tells me they don’t see the point in reading, that they’d rather binge-watch TV, or that they “just can’t get into it”, I smile and nod and wonder how so many people are oblivious to the power books have.
And we’re talking altering-the-brain’s-chemistry power.
You don’t have to be a bookworm to reap the rewards of reading. The simple act of consistently engaging with a book can have incredible effects on your brain.
Because reading isn’t just a hobby — it’s the key to unlocking new worlds, expanding your mind, and yes, even changing your brain chemistry for the better.