Life Hacks:

Monitor passports
Set a “renew passport” reminder for six months to a year before your and your family
members’ passports expire, depending on your travel plans. Also keep digital scans of
everyone’s passports somewhere you can easily find them.
Manage subscriptions
This is boring and probably shaming, but so worthwhile. Go through bank statements for
any regular payments you don’t recognise or can’t remember and check whether you are
still paying subscriptions for things you don’t want or need.
But use them strategically
“If you need something regularly, put it on an automated subscription,” says Alex Morgan
of the Mambition podcast, which explores the challenges of working motherhood. This
can be useful for repeat purchases such as nappies, dishwasher tablets, contact lenses
or pet food.
Pre-sort washing
I bought a laundry hamper with three compartments, then trained my household to sort
by darks, lights and whites. Now there’s no more sorting through piles of washing. When
one section is full, I just put that load on.
Just do one thing
I try to make one phone call, send one email or complete one form a day – anything I
can do to keep on top of personal admin so it does not overwhelm me.
Turn off notifications
Notifications are horrible for your concentration and focus,” says Stefan van der Stigchel,
professor of cognitive psychology at Utrecht University and the author of Concentration:
Staying Focused in Times of Distraction. “If there’s the possibility of new information, the
brain will look for it.” Don’t let your email provider or an app decide what matters.