Student Wellbeing

Mrs Kylie Squiers

Welcome back Year 12s

It is wonderful to see you all back here at the College.  Some students took me a while to recognise due to changing hair styles, and other students I believe have grown another inch over the holidays.  I hope you all have had a great break and ready to get back into this very quick year.  We will be sitting at your valedictory before we know it.


Welcome to all our new Year 11s

Congratulations to all of your for settling in so well to the new routine.  There is a lot to learn over the first few weeks and you are all to be commended for doing such a great job.


Parent Online Drug Information Session

This session provides: 

  • information to improve parents’ knowledge and understanding of issues relating to alcohol and other drugs 
  • practical strategies and examples of parenting around these issues; and 
  • a list of available support for mental health concerns, alcohol, and drug issues.

Talking with young people about alcohol and other drugs.


Tuesday 25 March 2025



6pm to 7.30pm


Online LiveRole Of Parents in Supporting Road Safety & Drug Education | SDERA

Meeting Link for Microsoft teams

Join the meeting now



Parents can join online using the Microsoft teams link provided, there will be a question session at the end. 


Welcome back Miss Lola

Miss Lola will be continuing her Wellbeing Officer role at the college in Term 1.  Miss Lola will be working in her Wellbeing role on a Monday, where she is available to all Year 12 students, and on a Thursday, where she is available for all Year 11 students.


Welcome Parents and Guardians

I am sure you have all had a much quieter house these last few days with someone special not being there all the time.  Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any concerns about your child's mental health.   Email works best for me as sometimes I am not available on the phone due to teaching commitments.


Mrs Kylie Squiers

Wellbeing Coordinator