Manager Corporate Services
Yvonne Bopp
Manager Corporate Services
Yvonne Bopp
Welcome to our new students and families and welcome back to the returning Year 12s.
If you have any concerns or questions the administration team are more than happy to assist in any way they can.
First statements have been handed out to Year 11s on induction and Year 12 statement will be emailed out by the end of this week.
Thank you to those parents who have already paid the first due instalment or have been in touch regarding payment plans.
If you require any assistance in this regard, please give call or email and we can help you with the necessary paperwork to set up a payment plan.
Please make sure that you reference your child's name or student number when making a payment to ensure we are able to credit the correct account.
Commonwealth and State Assistance
Boarding fees can be substantially reduced for families eligible for assistance through several State and Commonwealth Government schemes. An outline of these schemes follows, based on information available at the time of publication.
Assistance for Isolated Children Scheme (AIC)
AIC is a scheme provided by the Commonwealth Government which includes a basic boarding allowance and an additional boarding allowance to assist families with the costs of children boarding away from home to go to school.
The basic boarding allowance is indexed annually and is not means tested.
It is available to children who:
• Are geographically isolated.
• Have a special education need.
• Have no reasonable access to a school.
• Meet a continuity condition. The additional boarding allowance is subject to an income test and is indexed annually for students under the age of 16.
The AIC scheme is administered by Centrelink and paid directly to the family or the residential college.
Please provide the College with a copy of your approval letter from Centrelink once it is available.
Prices are subject to change at government discretion, please check with Centrelink. When applying for AIC please give Centrelink the College Reference Number - 555014090S and payments can be directed straight to the College. Telephone 13 23 18 (AIC direct line) or visit
Student Subsidised Travel
The Student Subsidised Travel Scheme provides financial assistance for students who need to travel more than 56 km to attend a school or college.
There are two main types of assistance:
• a fares allowance which may be payable to students who live in a Defined Remote Area (DRA)
• a road travel subsidy payable for students who live in the DRA.
Subsidised Student Travel is administered by the Department of Transport and paid directly to the family.
Contact the Department of Transport on telephone 1300 66 147 or visit
Youth Allowance
Depending upon parental income and family assets, a student may receive a higher level of Commonwealth assistance if he or she is eligible for Youth Allowance.
In general, students 16 years and over should apply for Youth Allowance if they would receive more than they otherwise would under the AIC and BAHA.
Eligibility for the Away-from-Home rate of Youth Allowance for isolated secondary students is different from the AIC allowance criteria.
Telephone 132 490 (direct line) or visit
Indigenous students can apply for ABSTUDY which assists with boarding, travel, and tuition costs of those eligible. ABSTUDY is administered by Centrelink and paid directly to the family or the College.
Telephone 132 317 (ABSTUDY direct line) or visit
Ms Yvonne Bopp
Manager Corporate Services