From the Principal
Matt Dowell
From the Principal
Matt Dowell
It is great to be back at the College after having 2024 off to work on our house renovations, do a bit of travelling and settle in our newest addition to the family, Betty (the dog!).
It has been a pleasure to get out and about and spend time getting to know our Year 11s and 12s and seeing them happy, engaged and motivated. The feel around the College is that this has been one of the smoothest starts to the year we have seen yet, which is a credit to our students for quickly slipping into routines and demonstrating maturity and independence. I would also like to acknowledge our fantastic staff who have gone above and beyond to support all students. Well done to all!
Employment Opportunities
As the largest employer in Cunderdin (with around 70 staff) we are often searching for casual, part time or full-time staff to backfill staff on Long Service Leave, Sick Leave, Maternity Leave and so on.
We currently have some vacancies advertised on and are keen to recruit qualified and enthusiastic individuals to join our team.
We know the power of word-of mouth in regional communities and encourage you to spread the word to assist us in attracting suitable candidates.
2025 Incoming College Board Representatives
I would like to warmly welcome to the 2025 College Board as Parent representatives, Caroline Bradley, Candice Jones and Lynley Tubb. I look forward to working with you in this very important area of our school governance.
Thank you to all the parents that considered nominating - your support is very much appreciated. As the election was uncontested, Caroline, Candice and Lynley were elected without the need for a ballot.
Matt Dowell