Green Class News
with Miss Jeffs
Years 2, 3 & 4
Green Class News
with Miss Jeffs
Years 2, 3 & 4
What an amazing start to the new school year! We have been lucky enough to welcome some new students into our class and it has been wonderful to watch our students show such kindness and making them feel welcome in our school.
A big focus for the 2/3/4 classroom this term is developing our growth mindset and developing skills and strategies that we can use to help us persevere and take on challenging situations. In class we have been learning what a growth mindset is and how having a growth mindset can help us succeed with our learning. We read the story of The Magical Yet by Angela DiTerlizzi which helped to remind us that while we might not know how to do everything yet, if we stick at it we can learn new things.
To test our growth mindset, the 2/3/4 class had a STEM challenge. In groups the students were tasked with building the tallest tower using only toothpicks and a bag of lollies. It was great to see the students problem solve and interact with each other with positivity and support for each other. They should all be so proud of what they achieved.