Parents, Teachers & Friends Association 

PTF Annual General Meeting 

The PTF AGM will be held this Wednesday, 26th February, following the Parent Information Night commencing at 5:30pm. The position of Vice President will need to be filled at this meeting. 

The Vice President's role:

The Vice President assists the President and fulfils the duties of the President when the President is unavailable.


The President's role:

The President provides leadership and direction for the Association by working cooperatively and collaboratively with the Principal and the Parish Priest.

Promotes the aims of the Association in dealing with its members.

Supports members of the Executive Committee.

Presides at meetings of the Association as Chairperson, and if absent, nominates the Vice President or another member of the Executive Committee to preside.

Ensures the efficient running of meetings.

Prepares the agenda in consultation with the Executive Committee.

Ensures the minutes of the previous meeting are endorsed as being an accurate record of what took place.

Prepares and presents the President’s Report at the Annual General Meeting of the Association.


If you feel that you can fulfil the above Vice President role, please ensure that you nominate yourself, or have someone nominate you at the meeting.

Community Calendar & Rainfall Chart

A huge thank you to Megan Guest for leading this initiative. We hope this will be a positive advertising campaign for Sacred Heart School and other local businesses in the Boggabri community.


All Boggabri families should have received their calendars and rainfall charts via the post. All families will also receive extra calendars and rainfall charts to share with family members. Your children will bring them home in the coming days.


Thank you to our incredible team of parents who work tirelessly to support our school.

Boggabri RSL Club Raffles

We have been lucky enough to run the raffles at the Boggabri RSL Club for the month of February. Thank you to everyone who has already attended to sell the Raffle Tickets on a Friday evening (5:45pm) and Sunday afternoon (11am). We only have one more evening to go. Your support is greatly appreciated!

Raffle Roster

Friday 28th FebruaryJenny Wren

Uniform Shop Opening Hours

THURSDAYS ~2:30pm-3pm~


6th & 20th March                                    7th & 21st August        

3rd April                                                      4th & 18th September

1st, 14th & 29th May                              16th & 30th October

12th & 26th June                                      13th & 27th November

24th July      


*Dates subject to change                                                

Working With Children Check (WWCC) Update ~ Just a friendly reminder that if you are a member of the PTF you must have a current Working With Children Check. If you are not sure, please contact Ms Traynor in the office.


****Parents who volunteer at the school in any capacity around children other than their own are also required to have a Working With Children Check.

Volunteer Working With Children Checks can be obtained from Service NSW and, once obtained, are valid for 5 years. 


Many thanks,

PTF Executive