We hosted yet another wonderful swimming carnival in 2025! The vibe at the Boggabri Pool was electric, and it was magical to see the children and parents cheering on the children, who were swimming in each event, regardless of the house they were representing. This was the true spirit in action!


Thank you to all the families who came to encourage and support their children on the day. It was great to see the children challenging themselves and swimming in so many events. The highlight for many was the parent/student race. So many people were willing to participate this year! 


A huge thank you to our PTF, who provided food for the day! We enjoyed a delicious fruit platter for Morning Tea and a sausage sizzle with drinks for lunch. We truly appreciate your continued efforts to support our school.


The success of a Carnival comes from a team of people, not just one person. Thank you to the staff of Sacred Heart, who supported me in their roles on the day of the carnival and to Ms Traynor, Mrs Herden and Mrs Hardaker (ACS Sports Co-ordinator), who supported me in the lead-up to the Carnival. What a cracker of a team!

Swimming Champions

Diocesan Swimming Carnival

Good luck to the students selected for individual events and our Relay team, who will be competing in the upcoming Diocesan Swimming Carnival, which will be held this Friday, 28th February, in Gunnedah. We know you have been working so hard as a team to improve over the past few weeks. We are proud of you all! Swim your hardest, and we can't wait to cheer you on!




We have been invited to send students of a proficient skill level to the Diocesan Winter Trials (League, Netball, Hockey & Soccer) in Armidale on Friday, 7th March 2025. A Diocesan team will be selected in each sport to represent the Armidale Diocese at the Polding Trials in Bathurst on Friday, 2nd May 2025.


If you wish for your child to participate in any of the listed sports for Winter Trials, please don't hesitate to contact Mrs Ryan by this Thursday, 27th February.


Event Date: League, Netball, Hockey & Soccer - Friday 7th March 2025

Event Venues:

  • Netball - Sport UNE, Armidale

  • Soccer - Sport UNE, Armidale

All players need to have shin pads. Mouthguards are advised but optional.

  • League (11’s & 12’s) - Sport UNE, Armidale

It is recommended that children bring headgear and must have mouthguards.

Eligible DOB for 11's 1/1/2014 - 31/12/2015

Eligible DOB for 12's 1/1/2013 - 31/12/2014

  • Hockey - Sport UNE, Armidale

All hockey players must have shin pads, mouth guards and their own hockey sticks. 


Nomination due date: Nominations are due to Mrs Ryan by Thursday, 27 February 2025. 

Event Start Time:  All competitors must arrive at the Venue by 9.00am. Trials start at 9:30am sharp.

Event Finish Time: 2:00pm

Cost: All individuals must pay a $10 sporting levy to play.

Uniform: Students are asked to wear their school sports uniform and follow the required equipment for each sport.

Catering at venue: Canteen facilities will be available for League, Hockey, Soccer & Netball. Students are encouraged to bring snacks, lunch and plenty of water.



Expressions of interest are now open for the following sports:

Golf (Boys & Girls)

AFL (Boys & Girls)

Diving (Boys & Girls)

Softball (Boys & Girls)

Rugby 7's (Girls Only)


Expressions of interest forms are to be completed by the parents/guardians of the child wishing to nominate. 


Historically, these sports have had limited nominations, so we do not host trials for them. We gather all expressions of interest, and then, when the EOIs are completed, we direct information to parents. 


Please complete the following link if you would like your child to participate in any of these sports: Expression of interest (Golf, Rugby 7's Softball, AFL & Diving)