A Hive of Excitement

What a fortnight of fun and learning at Sacred Heart!

Week 3

Tree Planting

Under the guidance of Miss Langfield, the students planted citrus trees to enhance the school garden area.

CPR Awareness

Years 3-6 were led through a CPR Awareness session by Mr Cam McFarlane from Royal Life Saving Australia about the importance of knowing CPR.

That afternoon the staff took advance of Mr McFarlane's visit and updated their CPR, Anaphylaxis and Asthma training.

Fun Friday

To celebrate the student's hard work in literacy and numeracy during the fortnight, 'FUN FRIDAY' song requests and dancing occur on a Friday.

Week 4 was another awesome week at Sacred Heart School, with many opportunities to learn and share with each other.

Topographical Maps

Years 3-6 created amazing topographical maps, combining their geography knowledge with their creative skills.


K-2 have been learning about 'The Lost Sheep' in Religion and have produced some fantastic work.

Bookworm Bags

Thank you to the Narrabri Lions Auxiliary, which has been providing "Bookworm Bags" to kindergarten children in schools across the Shire. This year, Henry was lucky enough to receive his library bag, book and hand-made sock puppet as part of the 20th-year celebrations for this wonderful initiative.


Professional Development

Teaching staff participated in an informative session facilitated by Mr Darryl Martin (ACS) aimed at enhancing their knowledge of the Religious Education Curriculum.

We look forward to continuing our learning this week!