This week, we call for K-2 and Years 3-5 Living Well, Learning Well Representatives nominations. Students will vote for one of their peers that they believe displays our school's Living Well, Learning Well values.

  • I am Safe
  • I am Valued, Respected and Cared for
  • I am a Learner



If your child wishes to be nominated for one of these positions, they are asked to let their teacher know by the end of the week.

Voting will take place during next week, with two students from the K-1-2 class and two students from Yr 3-4-5 class being elected. Semester 1 LWLW representatives will be announced and presented with their badges at the Week 6 Assembly (Friday, 7th March). Parents will be informed if their child is elected prior to the assembly.


Just a reminder that the Armidale Catholic Schools are now billing School Fees on an annual basis at the commencement of the school year, and the standard payment terms are 10 monthly instalments from February to November. Parents were issued with a yearly Tax Invoice/Statement and monthly statements will be issued thereafter. 


Parents may continue to make regular payments, with all schools having facilities to pay fees by BPAY, EFTPOS, Cash or Cheque. However, the preferred payment method is BPAY, which has the Biller Code and Reference in the top right-hand corner. 


Any questions regarding this new process can be forwarded to Ms Traynor or Mrs Claire Ryan on 02 6743 4656 or email:


Florence, a previous teacher at O'Connor Catholic College, Armidale, has reached out to our Director of Schools, Regina Menz, requesting the opportunity to advertise her online tutoring program with each of the schools in the Armidale Diocese.

Please see the following information and flyer with further details if you are interested in tutoring services for your child.


My name is Florence, and I used to work at O'Connor in Armidale as a teacher. 

I opened a face-to-face tutoring centre in Armidale, which is in its third year and going strong. It has over 130 students whose tutoring needs are catered for by a team of highly experienced tutors and teachers.

We have recently tested and subsequently adopted an excellent online platform and can now expand our services to nearby towns. This enables us to support the learning needs of students in our region online, with the possibility of working face-to-face with their tutor in Armidale during the school holidays, if the need arises.