Year 9 Pre Camp   

Year 9 Pre Camp Excursion


On Wednesday the 8th May the entire Year 9 cohort took the opportunity to travel to the CBD to visit the landmarks and laneways that Melbourne has to offer. The purpose of the excursion was to also prepare for Year 9 camp that will occur in June. Students will develop their travel training skills and use a map to orient themselves as a part of the “Amazing Race”.


Whilst on the pre camp day, students based themselves at Federation Square, walked through the Block and Royal arcades as well as visiting the ACDC, Hosier and Drewery Lane to name a few.


During this time, the Year 9 cohort spent time delving into the history behind some of Melbourne’s most iconic buildings and laneways. This was truly a memorable experience, encompassing both modern art and classical architecture to give our cohort a deeper understanding of our city. To add on, this experience will help us prepare for our camp, which will be occurring soon. It was a great way to introduce ourselves to navigation in the city, and how to familiarise ourselves with common buildings, street names, etc. It was an enjoyable experience, and we all can’t wait for the Year 9 camp coming up ahead. 


Throughout this day the year 9 students explored many different aspects and spaces of our city, learning important information and necessary knowledge about the history of Melbourne through a guided tour of the city. While on this tour the year 9s were given the opportunity to learn about the origin of Melbourne, the founder, and general facts that were extremely fascinating. In addition to this, the tour presented the students with information on famous landmarks and renowned sightseeing locations, which was useful preparation for the soon approaching city camp and the “Amazing Race”. Visiting the city and learning about the history of Melbourne was very insightful and beneficial for all students. 


Donna Gaudiano (Year 9 Community Leader)

Reese Messina and Danica Labo (Yr 9 SRC leaders)