LOTE Week   

LOTE week was a busy week at Marian College! Every day, there were various LOTE week activities in homeroom, classes and lunchtime.



Each day, there was the Marian LOTE Week Challenge were homerooms and all Marian Staff could take on the challenge of answering questions about LOTE at Marian and playing "Guess Who" Marian Edition, whereby players had to guess the Marian staff member voice, what language they were speaking and what they were saying. We had some very tricky questions! The winning homeroom was: 9/10 Ruth (Ms Milani's homeroom) and the winning staff member was: Donna Rampova. Well done to our winners!


During our classes, we had various activities such as cooking Indonesian dishes Nasi Kuning (yellow rice), Bakwan Sayur (vegetable fritters), Ayam sambal (Spicy chicken) and Es Campur (coconut drinks), playing Italian games such as Tombola, Scopa and Briscola, making Pizelle and learning the Tarantella dance. The Year 11 English Language class has been covering language acquisition for their current area of study, and this week the students learnt about the benefits of additional language learning and the different types of, and reasons for, codeswitching. 


At lunch, we watched the film Matilda in Italian (in anticipation of the school production this year). The Year 9 and 12 Indonesian students also translated the Marian Song and recorded themselves singing it! 



On the last day, we had our very first MarianVision where students performed songs in various languages such as Tamil, Indonesian, Italian, Greek, Te Reo Maori and Samoan. Like our MC Mr B. said, to sing in a LOTE, in front of a full house, is highly commendable. Well done to all our fantastic MarianVision superstars!!!


Happy LOTE week from all the LOTE team!

Terima kasih banyak / grazie mille!


Amanda Zalac 

Learning Associate (English & LOTE)