Meet a student

10 minutes with…


Student Leader: Melina Yap: 

Year 12 Student Representative Council Member


Tell us a little about your life outside of school? Eg. Family, hobbies. Passions

My family and I love a good fishing trip. We often head to Lorne or Portarlington pier. We’re all so busy and these trips allow us to wind down and spend time together. 

I also enjoy playing sports such as Netball, where I currently participate in a team. We play every Wednesday and I use this as an opportunity to switch off and forget about school for a bit and relieve some stress. 


What do you like most about being a student at Marian College?

As a student at Marian, I love how there are so many opportunities to explore your interests. During the years spent at Marian, I’ve been able to try new things offered through the varied range of co-curricular activities, such as choir, sports and social justice.


Who inspires you & why? 

My mum is my biggest inspiration, as she is so hard working and she encourages me to always do my best.


What are the biggest challenges facing teenage girls today?

Picking the right outfit for any event! However on a serious note, it would probably be friendship problems, sometimes it’s difficult for people to accept change, because change is okay as well!


What advice would you give to students at Marian College?

I feel like I could have made better subject choices, so I’d say to choose subjects you love and enjoy. Learning is supposed to be fun in some aspect, and there’s no point dwelling on it if you don’t enjoy what you do.


How do you live out the Core Value of hope?

I live out the core value of hope, by always trying to be optimistic


Favourite food & drink?

My favourite food is anything my mum cooks and my favourite drink is an iced Matcha latte.


Favourite holiday destination?

Lorne is definitely up there, as my family go there often for fishing trips.


Favourite TV show, Movie, Book?

I love watching anything rom-com or action but definitely K-dramas. My favourite K-drama would have to be ‘My Demon’.


What are your hopes & dreams for the future?

I hope to achieve and pursue a career that I enjoy. At the moment I’m very intrigued in midwifery and paramedicine, so hopefully I will be in one of those fields in the future.