Athletics Day  

Young Vinnies:

On Athletics day while also celebrating our house colours the Young vinnies club sold lolly bags filled with various sweet treats to raise awareness, and to acknowledge efforts and success from St Vincent De Paul society in eradicating poverty. As a club we have discussed the importance of giving back to the community and being a beam of hope, through this we collectively decided that selling lollies would allow us to both raise money and give students a sugar fix (sorry teachers). All proceeds raised will be donated to St Vincent de Paul Society to continue their good works. The Young Vinnies leaders would like to thank the Young Vinnies members and the Marian community who supported our cause throughout the day. We would also like to thank Ms Tran for her continuous support and ensuring that the day ran smoothly.



LEO: During the Athletics carnival, the Marian Leos were fortunate enough to hold a BBQ to donate to Respect Victoria, a charity for which we were inspired to dedicate our efforts following our meeting with MP Sarah Connolly on International Women’s Day.


We were generously granted the opportunity to express our ideas regarding this year’s theme of “Inspire Inclusion,” in conjunction with our school theme of “Hope,” and most importantly, International Women’s Day. In resonance with the themes discussed, Respect Victoria’s mission is to combat violence against women, as well as domestic violence. We can proudly say that, having generated a revenue of over $1k, the Marian Leos are confident we can bring them one step closer to achieving their mission.


We will continue to fill peoples’ appetites and fuel the Marian spirit while restoring hope for humanity. Thank you to everyone who purchased a sausage and our members for making this possible!


After athletics day, I kept thinking about how I was so thankful to the people in our school community who were so supportive of our fundraiser. The JDF members put a great deal of effort into this, running through many different ideas together, and spending our lunchtime cutting the ribbons. However, the other part of the fundraising effort comes from all the people who bought cookies or ribbons on athletics day, and made it such a success.