Year 9/10 Adventure Camp  

Year 9/10 Adventure Sport students embarked on their much anticipated camp on Wednesday 22 May. The camp began with an action packed afternoon on the high ropes course at the Treetops Adventure Yeodene Park. Students tackled 5 different courses with many overcoming their fear of heights, having to free fall 10-20 meters on the last obstacle of the different courses. 

Very much exhausted after maneuvering through the high ropes course, we made our way to the Torquay Foreshore Caravan Park. The students split into their groups to pitch their tents for the night. Some groups had to tackle the tree roots with their pegs, resulting in some bent pegs and others had their tents up in no time.  At dinner time, students cooked a delicious bbq meal, before having some downtime and getting ready for bed on a 7-degree night.


6 am wake up on day two, students were up and ready to see the sunrise. Many still in their pajamas and Kathmandu jackets, we headed to the beach to view the beautiful sunrise. It was wonderful to hear that this was one of their highlights and for those that had not previously had the opportunity to see the sunrise. 


Once back at the campsite, students packed up the campsite including dismantling their tents before tucking into a big breakfast.


Last activity of the camp was a surfing session. 75% of the students had never surfed before and completely embraced this new adventure opportunity notwithstanding the very cold weather and difficult surf conditions they were faced with. A handful of students were able to stand up on their boards, with the rest of the group loving every minute, even though they were unable to completely master the skills of surfing.


With the camp coming to an end, the students loved and cherished the experience with a few stating it was their highlight of their Marian journey thus far. 


Goran Petrovski 

Year 8 Community Leader