Visual Arts

Visual Art


In our Asian Art Explosion our Visual Artists are exploring different printmaking techniques that are Asian inspired.

The Preps to year 3 students have printed Cherry Blossoms, Koi Fish, Feathers and are in the process of making Koi Fish Kites, all using the Mono Printing technique.  We will complete the semester by making Japanese fans that have our own prints on them. They are exploring what materials they can use to print with.  So far, they have used cotton balls to make Cherry Blossoms, Bubblewrap to print water. They have rolled paint and printed the colours to make Fish. 


The Year 4, 5 and 6 students are making collagraphs using Studio Gibli as inspiration to create landscapes.   Their Driving Question is 

“What materials can I use to make landscapes?” 

Collagraphs are made by glueing different materials onto a piece of card, rolling the paint onto this and transferring the design to paper by rubbing the back of it.  They have made clouds from cotton balls, trees from paddle pop sticks, matchsticks, pom poms and fake snow, mountains from scrunched paper, felt and/ or straws.


The Year 7 and 8 students are making reduction prints and are drawing inspiration from a story about a young Vietnam boy who canoes along the Mekong River all by himself to go to school.  They are exploring how they can use line to make movement.  A reduction print is made by removing areas on the printing plate that will not get printed. They have explored 1 colour, 2 colour and 3 colour reductions prints and are now creating their own design that demonstrates how line can be used to make movement.


The Year 9 and 10 students are exploring engravings through Anime.  Their Driving Question is 

“How can I use to line to create expression?”

They also have completed a 1 and 2 colour print and are now designing their own engraving that uses line to create expression. 


The Year 11 and 12’s are exploring a variety of printing transfers. They have made Sunprints using natural UV light and OHT’s, different methods of Gel Medium Transfers and Mono Prints.  They have explored layering of different methods to create interesting artworks that tell a story. They too, are designing their artwork that will include some layering of different printing techniques. 

Student work is on display in E block and creeping up the stairs. I’m hoping to fill the new building before the end of the year.  Please feel free to pop in and say hello and take some time to check out our amazing Artists.  If you are creative (or not creative) and interested in coming into the art room to help out, please let me know.  We love extra sets of hands!


This is Archer's Ocean Collagraph and Ayaan's Feather Mono Print




This is Emily's Feather Mono Print and Fred's Cherry Blossoms



This is Halle's 2 colour Reduction Print - The movement of a boat pushing it' s way through the algae and Ivy's Mountains print




This is Jaxon's crayon engraving and Jayce's 3 colour reduction print Fish Swimming