Lis Viney - Year 11 Deputy (Rel)

Lis Viney
Lis Viney

What a wonderful start to Term 2.  Year 11 continues to demonstrate their maturity and focus, completing their first round of senior assessment tasks and jumping into new topics with enthusiasm. Students are, on the whole, doing a great job with uniform. 

Please remember that School Locker has the full range of Winter uniform in stock. We love to see everyone showing their pride in attending Wyndham College.


Heartfelt thanks go to the many students from Year 11 who volunteered to help out at the recent Open Night, with many giving up their time to show off Wyndham College to potential students. Parents and students commented on the number of students available to take them on tours and demonstrating the wealth of subjects and skills on offer.


Our newly inducted members of the SRC are off and running, attending the annual SRC camp and braving the cold of Mt Victoria to contribute to plans which will benefit the school’s surrounds and community. We are looking forward to Multicultural Day on the last Tuesday of Term 2, which promises to deliver a rich feast of food and experience. 


Some Year 11 students will be attempting their HSC Minimum Standards tests in Week 4. As with all assessment at Wyndham, help is always available. Please see your classroom teachers for help with specific domains, or access the resources available on the HSC Minimum Standards Google Classroom. For more specialised support, Sara and Juanita can assist with study skills and studying without the stress, using strategies drawn from academically proven programs. 


Students are also able to head to the Library on Tuesday and Friday afternoons to participate in the ACE Program. Students and teachers have been embracing the opportunity for extra time, and Friday afternoon seminars are a great time to ask those questions that have been nagging you all week.


Congratulations go to the many students starting to head out on Work Placement for their specific subjects. We are hearing some positive feedback from our community members about your efforts and know that you are representing Wyndham College well. 


I’ve been privileged to speak with a wide range of our Year 11 students during my short stint as relieving Deputy Principal. While I will be heading back to English and History in the near future, I would like to thank students, parents and staff for their support. This has been a great reminder of how refreshing it can be to move out of your comfort zone and try new things, as so ably demonstrated by our Year 11 cohort in 2024.