From the Principal (Relieving)

Ann-Maree Ager
Ann-Maree Ager

I have had the privilege to be relieving Principal for the first half of this term and want to express the sense of pride and gratitude that I feel towards our incredible staff and students. I would like to extend my heartfelt appreciation to all the student volunteers who dedicated their time and energy to make our recent Wyndham College Open Night a resounding success. Your enthusiasm, dedication, and willingness to go above and beyond truly embody the spirit of our college community. From guiding visitors through our facilities to showcasing the diverse range of activities and programs available, your efforts did not go unnoticed. Thank you for being shining ambassadors of Wyndham College.

Furthermore, I am thrilled to congratulate all the Year 12 students who were recently honoured with a Principal's Award. This recognition is a testament to your hard work, perseverance, and outstanding contributions to our school community. Your achievements serve as inspiration to your peers and a reflection of the values we uphold at Wyndham College. Congratulations on this well-deserved accomplishment.

As we approach the middle of the term, I would like to wish all the students and staff travelling to Cairns a safe and enjoyable trip. Embarking on an educational excursion of this type can be life altering. Many Visual Arts and Photography students have created successful HSC bodies of work on previous trips and showcased that work to great acclaim.  I hope your journey is filled with memorable experiences and meaningful connections.


I would like to remind both students and parents about the Academic Coaching for Excellence (ACE) program, which runs every Tuesday and Friday to support students with their assessments. This initiative provides invaluable resources, guidance and mentorship to help students excel academically and achieve their goals. I encourage all students to take advantage of this opportunity and to reach out if they need any assistance.


Reconciliation Week will be recognised on 27 May – 3 June.  We will be holding a Nirimba Precinct Ceremony at building U10 at 12 noon on Wednesday the 29th May.  All students and community members are welcome to attend and join us for light refreshments afterwards. 


As we continue to navigate the academic year, we remain committed to fostering a culture of innovation, creativity and excellence within our college community. Year 11 Focus Week will be in Week 6 (3rd to 7th June) this term. This is a time for students to revise, consolidate their learning and reset for the weeks ahead. 


Thank you once again to all our dedicated volunteers, award recipients, and travellers for your contributions to our vibrant and thriving community.


Ann-Maree Ager - Principal (Rel)

Global Accessibility Awareness Day - May 16

We will be sharing the wonderful work of the students in our Inclusive Education classes but wanted to start off by sharing our School Captain Christine Douglas's amazing success that has inspired so many students.

Student Spotlight

Congratulations to Wyndham College Yr 11 student Joel Byatt, who competed at the Australian National Athletics Championships in Adelaide over the holidays.


Joel received a bronze medal, his first national medal, in the Under 18's 5000m Race Walk.  


This is a a massive achievement for Joel, and we are so proud of him.

Academic Coaching for Excellence - ACE

Term 2 will see the introduction of the Wyndham ACE initiative which provides optional extra support for all senior students working towards personal excellence. 


We will have experienced staff on hand for two extra sessions per week to coach students to HSC success. If students need to access technology or just want a quiet space to study, have questions about assessments or need to complete a task, we have the resources for you. 


Tuesday afternoons the Library will now be staffed till 4pm with coaches on hand to help.

Friday afternoons staff will also be opening up workshops for major projects and running HSC preparation tutorials at various locations.


Students attending ACE sessions will receive award points to build towards their Bronze, Silver, Gold or Diamond Wyndham Award.


Get that step ahead by attending Wyndham ACE during Term 2.

National Reconciliation Week

Red Mufti Day

Up coming MUFTI DAY! On Tuesday 21st May we invite all students and staff to wear red and make a donation to the Red Shield Appeal.


You are also welcome to sign up to fundraise by visiting

Anzac Day Ceremony

Students and staff represented Wyndham College at the Nirimba Precinct ANZAC Day ceremony held in our memorial rose garden. Lest we forget.

Wyndham College Alumni 20 Year Reunion

Wyndham College Alumni and staff are invited to attend the 20 year reunion. Please RSVP to