Principal's Update

Angelika Ireland

School Council Vacancy - Filled

The parent vacancy on School Council for 2024 has been filled by Badar Ul Hassan Bodar.

Thank you to the parents who expressed an interest in this casual vacancy. So great to see that parents are interested in establishing further partnerships with their child’s school.

Student Attitude to School Survey (ATOSS)

The Attitudes to School Survey Years 4-6 will be open to complete from Monday 6 May to Friday 14 June. 


We value student voice as a means to improving student engagement, wellbeing and quality instruction and are offering our Year 4 to 6 students an opportunity to participate in the Department of Education and Training survey to find out what your child thinks of their school. 


The AtoSS is an annual student survey developed by the Department to assist us to gain an understanding of students' perceptions and experience of school. Students will be asked about their thoughts and feelings in relation to their school, their learning, peer and family relationships, resilience, bullying, mental health and wellbeing, physical activity, and life in general. 

Foundation to Year 2 - Doing Maths together at Home

Children need lots of experiences in making, counting, drawing and talking about numbers. Make connections for your child by explaining how numbers and counting are a part of everyday life. The activities below will help your child develop these skills.


You may feel that the maths your child is doing at school is different from how you were taught, but you will still be able to support your child in many ways.


Playing shop

Collect food and grocery items and label them with prices written on sticky notes or prices cut out of shopping catalogues.

  • Talk about how we pay for items using notes and coins.
  • Make paper money or use play money to buy and sell goods from the shop.
  • Order the food items by height (tallest to the shortest) or by cost (least expensive to most expensive).

Introduce kitchen scales to the shop to weigh some foods such as a box of tea bags or a bag of rice and order items by weight.


Playing games

  • Play I Spy or other games to identify shapes, numbers and patterns.
  • Dice are a great addition to any toy collection. Roll the dice and say, make or write the numbers identified. Roll the dice and add the numbers together to find the total.
  • 64. Play number games online with your child.

Try this website:


Making patterns

Recognising and making patterns are important maths skills for exploring numbers, shapes and symmetry.

  • Identify and explain visual patterns on clothing, wrapping paper, crockery, cards and furniture.
  • Use coloured pegs, blocks, beads or cutlery to begin a pattern for your child to continue. For example, red, blue, white, red, blue, white.
  • Encourage your child to draw, create and describe their own patterns. Use them for borders or greeting cards or on material.

Other activities could include measuring things, going on a number hunt, moving to maths…..

Happy Mother’s Day for Sunday to all the mums/ Carers/ Grandmas in our community.

Foundation 2025

If you have a child that will be starting Foundation in 2025 please read the information below:


Enrolment Guidelines for Foundation 2025

Please visit our website for information regarding the timeline for Foundation 2025 enrolments and school tours. The process has changed and we are unable to distribute enrolment application forms until the 15th April 2024 - Term 2.


If you click the link below, it will take you to the registration form for Foundation 2025. Existing families are not required to book in a tour but are quite welcome to if you would like.


Once you have registered, we will email you an enrolment form or they will be available to collect from the office. Enrolment applications are to be returned by Friday 26th July 2024.


Food for Thought:









Angelika Ireland

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