Year 2 Newsletter

Year 2 - Week 3 Parent Letter


Dear Parents, 


Wow, Week 3 already and it has been fantastic to see the students enthusiastically return to school this term.


Important dates for this term

Wednesday 1st May- Incursion Nursery Fiasco

Monday 6th May- Mothers Day Stall

Thursday 23rd May- 100 Years Whole School Celebration

Monday June 10th- King's Birthday

Friday 28th June- Last Day 2.30 Dismissal


What we are doing in class

During the Inquiry unit, students have been exploring the oceans and continents of the world, helping them make connections to Australia’s location and significance in the world. In mathematics, we have wrapped up our place value topic and are starting the topic of money and Australian currency. In literacy we are continuing to build upon our Little Learners codes as well as exploring features and writing of narratives. 



The Drama Toolbox visits us for an incursion on the 1st of May. Students will learn about fairytales, dress up in fun fairytale costumes and create their own stories. This aligns with our writing focus for the term. Please make sure you confirm attendance of your child via compass. 


Life Education

We will be having a visit from Life Education during May, these sessions for year 2’s will focus on growing friendships and how to be good friends. 


Mother’s Day Stall

Students have the opportunity to visit the Mother’s Day Stall on Monday the 6th of May. Please make payment through Compass before the day. 


Book Report and Presentation 

Book reports presentations will commence next week (week 4). Please assist students in having this ready on their schedule day. We are really looking forward to hearing about students' passion for books and what they have been reading beyond the classroom.



Please continue to read and return readers. Please keep children home if they are unwell.The Year 2 Team.