Principal Update 

Dear St A’s Community!


I hope that our students, families and staff have enjoyed all the blessings of the Easter Season and are refreshed and ready for our new term. As a faith community we now celebrate the Resurrection and in so doing open ourselves up to deep reflection on what it means for each of us to be Easter people. People who have the Courage to Care, responding to the call to be people of Faith, Hope and Love for each other and for the community.

This term is set to be another busy one! Please have a look at the upcoming dates, and be sure that you are all on top of everything!


TERM 2 2024

 Week 2

Wednesday 24th April          -           Anzac Liturgy @ 2:30pm

                                                      -           Grade 6 leaders attending Anzac Day Service

                                                      -           Grade 5 Students attending JPC for Transition Day

                                                      -           Fire Carrier ceremony for selected students at JPC

Thursday 25th April  -          -           Anzac Day - School closure Day

Friday 26th April                   -           School Closure Day


 Week 3

Monday 29th April                -           Semper Dental attending 

Wednesday 1st May              -            District Athletics for selected students           

Friday 3rd May                       -           Grade 1/2 Excursion – Twisted Science

                                                     -           Grade 5/6 Inter school Sports


Week 4

Sunday 5th May                     -            Garcia Family Fundraiser walk @ 1:30pm.

Wednesday 8th May              -           Mother’s Day Stall

Thursday 9th May                  -           Mother’s Day event (TBA)

Friday 10th May                      -           Semper Dental visit

                                                      -           Grade 5/6 Inter school Sports

                                                      -           Whole school Assembly @ 2:30pm


Please continue to read the school newsletter, follow us on Instagram and Facebook, in case any other important information arises!


St Augustine's Community Calendar 




  • Tuesdays continues this term, with some hot food selections
  • Rosa Mexica Wednesday continues                     
  • Subway Friday lunches continues



This term we would like to welcome 2 new families to our school!  We welcome Matteo in Grade 1, Remy and Zara in Grade 5! Welcome to our school and we hope that you all settle in smoothly and enjoy being part of our school and wider community!


Winter Uniform: 

As we enter the cooler months our students are encouraged to wear warmer clothing.  This includes our winter uniform option. Students are able to pick and choose what winter uniform they would like to wear.  We get many questions about uniforms! If the students want to continue wearing their shorts, they can.  We have also introduced a new Grade 6 polo option.  This uniform option can be worn every day! 

If families have any spare uniforms and they would like to donate them back to the school, that would be greatly appreciated.



If you have a child that is ready to start Prep 2025 next year, please collect an enrolment pack from the school office - our prep 2025 spots are filling fast.


Lastly - we have  a number of little entrepreneurs making various items for charity.  If anyone has some wool they no longer need, this would be greatly aprroeciated by this group of aspiring business women!


 Have a great Term 2,


Show Grace, Be the Joy for others, and God Bless.


Carrie Rodda
