F/1/2 News
The F/1/2 class have had an amazing start to the new term. We have welcomed Miss Shaddick into our classroom. The students have been very supportive and enjoyed having her in the classroom.
We have hit the ground running this term and have already covered lots of concepts.
In Maths we have been learning about patterns. The students practised recognising patterns, continuing patterns and developing an understanding of counting patterns. The Foundation students enjoyed making pattern chains and the Grade 1/2 students have enjoyed investigating what counting patterns look like on a hundred charts.
In Subject Focus, we have started our unit of Farm to Family. We have begun looking at where food comes from and if it is animal products, plant products or a mixture of both. The students have spent time investigating their lunchboxes and identifying where their food comes from.
In English, we have started learning about persuasive texts and how we should give a reason when we give an opinion.
The students have also had lots of opportunities to participate in amazing educational activities and events.
The students learnt about the first three steps of DRSABCD during the St John’s Ambulance incursion. They learnt about how to check for dangers, and how to use their crab claws to check for a response.
The Cross Country was a success for all students. It was great to see all the F/1/2 students challenge themselves and give Cross Country their best go. The students did so well, and they actually ran further than planned as they had a go running through the supervised bush area, and not just around the hall.
The F/1/2 students were very respectful during our Imaginative Prayer incursion yesterday. They heard about the scripture of when Jesus was Baptised. The students listened well and showed great imagination as they discussed what they imagined in the meditation and in their contemplation pieces.
In the coming weeks, we have a lot of learning and events planned.
Wednesday 24th April, we have the Responsible Pet Ownership incursion.
Thursday 25th April, we have a public holiday for ANZAC day.
Friday 26th April, we have the Crazy Hair Day Project Compassion fundraiser. Gold coin donation please.
Monday 29th April, come and try morning for prospective families. We will be inviting children of prospective families to join our class for Walker Learning. If you know anyone that is looking at schools for next year, please let them know. This will also be Miss Shaddick’s last day with us.
Wednesday 1st May, the Grade 3s will join our class while the 4-6 students are at Cross Country.
Thursday 2nd May, Open Day, come and see the F/1/2s in Respectful Relationships and Art during the first two hours.
Friday 3rd May, we have the C Dress Up Day Project Compassion fundraiser. Gold coin donation please.
In Maths, we will be starting our addition and subtraction unit. The students will be learning these concepts in practical contexts using a variety of ways to solve the problems, such as counting on/back, number lines, physical objects (manipulatives), and known facts.