Since the beginning of the Term, students have explored a few different art topics through painting, collage and directed drawings.
In Week 3, it is Catholic Education Week and all students have collaborated to create a banner, which will be hung on the front fence for the week. No sneak peeks, keep an eye out for their wonderful work next week on our fence!
The F/1/2 and 3/4 students have created ANZAC theme artworks. They have done an amazing job and put lots of effort into ensuring that their artwork followed the task instructions. The F/1/2 students created collage poppies whilst the Grade 3/4 class, used a directed drawing video to draw poppies to place onto a background, which encompassed the words of The Ode to Remembrance poem.
Our Term 2 Science topic is Biological Science and students have engaged well with our first few lessons for each unit.
F/1/2 students investigated living and non-living things and how to identify if they have been living in the past.
The 3/4 class looked at classifying animals and used a branching key to classify aliens based on their characteristics - this activity was lots of fun!
The 5/6 class have started to investigate animal adaptations and how these adaptations are used for survival.