This fortnight in the Grade 3/4 room we have been lucky to have Miss S in our class. Miss S is a student teacher from Latrobe in Shepparton. We have enjoyed our time with Miss S and have learnt some new and exciting things.
In maths we have been focusing on learning our times tables. We have learnt a variety of strategies to help us find the answers. We have made some posters to help us remember these strategie which turned out great. We have learnt that there is more than one way we can find the answers to times tables and that everyone has a different preference to their favourite method.
In Cross Curriculum we have started our new topic about design. We are learning about the importance of design and how design can impact the outcome of what we make. In this unit we have looked at the design of some toys and then made them following the design instructions. Our next activity we will do in this unit will be creating a design brief for someone's dream house and making a digital copy of this house.
Yesterday we were lucky enough to have Carly from the CES visit us to teach us about imaginative prayer. Carly led us through an imaginative prayer called 'Jesus calms the storm'. We had a great time listening and reflecting on the bible passage she read.