Principals Message

It has been a really nice return to school for Term 2. It was interesting to think that the first week of the holidays my family and I went to the beach (My daughter Charlise turned 2) and then by the end of the break, we had to turn the heaters on. However, we have been blessed with really nice weather for our return.
Cross country
On Monday, we had our school cross country which was a tremendous success (maybe apart from the parent egg and spoon race team taking the victory. We are pleased for them to have bragging rights for the year… bring on 2025).
I was absolutely blown away by the effort of the children. Every single child tried their very best and pushed on and we are really proud of their efforts. I congratulate the ribbon winners and commend all students for their participation.
I would especially like to thank the parent volunteers and Mrs Morse for coordinating the event.
Catholic Education Week
Catholic Education Week runs for the duration of next week. We have lots of activities planned to showcase the amazing opportunities and learning that takes place everyday here at St Mary’s. Monday 29 April, we have a ‘Come and Try’ day for prospective 2025 Foundation students. Our current F/1/2 classroom will open their doors and invite 2025 foundation students in to participate in morning Investigation time. This will take place between 8:50 and 9:50am. We ask that families stay on site during this time and we will offer a cuppa and biscuit in the staff room.
On Thursday 2 May, we have our Open Day from 8:40 - 10:50am. This is an open invitation for any families to come in and see our school in action. The day will begin with morning reading and the students will then take part in their Thursday specialist classes (STEAM, RRRR, Blue Earth and Art.
The morning will culminate with a sausage sizzle in the assembly area.
Please spread the word.
Pupil Free Day - Change of date
As you know, we have a pupil free day on Friday 10 May. This day will go ahead and our staff will have a full day of professional learning targeting best practice in numeracy teaching. This day will be followed up with another day where we will be planning and implementing our learning. This second day was originally planned for Monday 27 May and facilitated by one of the leaders of Learning and Pedagogy at Catholic Education Sandhurst. Unfortunately, that staff member has had to reschedule to Friday 31 May.
Term 2 Pupil Free Days - Friday 10 May AND Friday 31 May.
My apologies for any inconvenience but this is a major element of our schools’ Annual Action Plan for Learning and Teaching.
Camp and Excursions
This is a really exciting term for our students. We have our whole school excursion for Friday 24 May. We are visiting Melbourne LegoLand and the Mary MacKillop Museum. See PAM for permissions and details.
Last week, I visited my old school of Holy Rosary in Heathcote to plan for our Year 5/6 camp which is planned for Monday 20 - Wednesday 22 May in Anglesea. As communicated last term, unfortunately St Josephs Nagambie are not in a position to share 5/6 camp with us this year and we completely understand their situation. In order to provide an opportunity for our 5/6 students, Holy Rosary have kindly accepted for us to join them.
Permission and information will come out in the next week.
Assembly and Student Representative Council
This week will be our first week of SRC which means no assembly. SRC will operate internally with our Year 6 students facilitating the opportunity for student voice. Mrs Brockett and myself will work with the Year 6 students to develop their agenda and they will go to each class to present. They will then feed back to myself.
Once again, from here on out, our assemblies will be fortnightly.
Student Teachers/SEDA
You may have seen our wonderful student teachers, Storm and Harpreet, around our school. They are assigned to our F/1/2 and 3/4 classes and are working closely with Bianca and Thea.
Child Safety
In Week 4 our staff have training facilitated by myself and the Pastoral Wellbeing/Child Safe team from CES to conduct our yearly training on restraint and seclusion. We will look at what constitutes either of these and how to best support one another and the children. All staff attend this training and take a lot from it.
Bravehearts/Ditto keep safe adventure show
Today, we were successful in booking ‘Bravehearts/Ditto Keep Safe Adventure Show’ (through GVCASA) to conduct one of their sessions with our students. They will be in on Thursday 9 May to work with the Foundation/1/2 students for a student voice/child safety session. Through dance and song, this age-appropriate session will give students strategies and language to use and implement if they ever feel unsafe or uncomfortable.
An information pack and letter will be sent home with students tomorrow.
If you have any queries or concerns, please contact me directly.
Our Year 3-6 students will delve into this topic more during their Rights, Resilience and Respectful Relationships sessions.
Imaginative Prayer
Last night, we were lucky enough to have some professional learning around Catholic Identity and, in particular, Imaginative Prayer. Carlie Anderson came in and modelled to each class and then facilitated our professional learning at our staff meeting. I was fortunate to take part alongside the Year 5/6 students for their session and was really impressed by, not only their engagement, but their thoughtful responses and reverence. Thanks Mrs Brockett for organising this.
Once again, I thank you for your ongoing support and please come and see me if you have any queries or concerns.
Vin Ryan
Vin Ryan