Progress Reports & P/S/T Conferences Feedback

Stay Updated with Progress Reports

The next cycle of Progress Reports will be published on Friday 24 May. Progress Reports serve as a crucial checkpoint, offering a snapshot of your child's progress, highlighting areas of achievement and potential growth. 


We encourage all parents and carers to review these reports carefully and engage in constructive discussions with your child and their teachers. Your involvement plays a pivotal role in supporting your child's academic success.


A notification will be sent when the Progress Reports are available on Compass.

Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences Feedback

We value the importance of parents as partners and greatly appreciate your feedback. Please take a moment to complete the feedback form on Compass and contribute to shaping the future of Beaumaris Secondary College's Parent/Student/Teacher conferences. Rest assured; all information collected via this form is anonymous.


Your participation is greatly appreciated. Please complete the form by Friday 24 May 2024 to ensure your feedback is included. Thank you in advance for your time and support.