College/Year Level Captains' Report

Year 7’s have started off the term with our noses deep in Lois Lowry’s book 'The Giver', a story about the flaws in a perfect world, that we will be studying and annotating for Communicate and Relate. Japanese lessons have captivated us, learning about the language through activities such as watching the Japanese anime film ‘My Neighbour Totoro’. In Our World classes, we're learning about the history and heritage of Australia's Indigenous and First Nations Peoples. 


We’ve also been mad scientists during BEST sessions, learning and experimenting with the three main states of matter - solids, liquids and gases! In Innovate, we are learning about computer algorithms and programs, and the importance of being clear and precise when problem solving to ensure we follow the right process to get the results we want. Maths has our brains mentally computing as we practice rounding off numbers, estimating and solving addition equations, with bonus challenge tasks available for us Einstein inspired minds.

Picture courtesy Nicki Connolly/Herald Sun
Picture courtesy Nicki Connolly/Herald Sun

Cheerful regards,


Adam A

Year 7 Captain