Principal's Report 

"The strongest principle of growth lies in human choice.” - George Eliot


We belong to a place where to learn is to grow.

Beaumaris students, staff and families are the greatest ambassadors of The Beaumaris Way. Our Open Night, weekly school tours and 'Meet the Principal' sessions are a wonderful showcase of how our students become their best selves at Beaumaris. 

Prospective families have had multiple opportunities to see the learning environment we offer and how students benefit from those experiences. You may have seen on Facebook or Instagram, that we were recently featured in the Herald Sun. The spotlight on our school underscores our dedication to maintaining strong student teacher relationships, which in turn enables us to prioritise individual needs and passions, ensuring every child is known, valued and supported. You can read the full article on the In the Media page of our new website


I extend my heartfelt thanks to our dedicated staff, students and parent volunteers for their invaluable contributions to the success of our Open Night. Your passion and commitment have truly made a difference in showcasing the vibrant spirit of our school.


As we welcome Year 6 families who are navigating the decision-making process for their child's secondary education, we are reminded of the importance of choice. At Beaumaris Secondary College, we believe in empowering students to make informed decisions in all areas of their life.  Our student voice and agency contribute to the purposeful and rigorous curriculum on offer.


Students’ talents have also been highlighted through performances at the college. Our VCE Theatre Studies students produced a very moving production of 'Radium Girls'. Their insight and interpretation of the play was outstanding. Our musicians performed solo and in ensembles at the recent Music Soiree. Their dedication to practice was evident in the musical choices presented.  

Thank you for your ongoing support and commitment to our school community. Together, we continue to inspire excellence and foster a culture of lifelong learning.


Debby Chaves
