Music News

Music Information Night

This year’s Music Information Night is on Monday 10 February in the Performing Arts Centre, in conjunction with the Year 7 Social event.  


Although primarily for Year 7 students starting at the College, students from all year levels are welcome to attend the event at either 5:30pm or 7:00pm. Year 7 families will be advised of their attendance time by the Year Level Coordinators.


Music Information Night is your opportunity to learn about the Instrumental Music Program at EDSC and enrol to learn a musical instrument.

Tuition places are limited on most instruments, and preference will be given to students who attend this event. Information will also be provided for students who already learn an instrument outside of school and want to be involved in the ensemble program.


Most excitingly, students will have the opportunity to try out their favourite instruments on the night!


Information regarding the Music Program and Music Information Night, including a ‘Meet the teachers and instruments’ section has also been provided on the EDSC website:

Instrumental Music Lesson Re-enrolment

Re-enrolment will shortly close for students who were learning an instrument at EDSC in 2024. As always, places are limited on most instruments and we encourage you to re-enrol as early as possible to reserve a place before our new Year 7’s enrol next week.


Re-enrolment should be made directly through Compass where you will see the charge on your Parent Dashboard under Events.


Any students wishing to start learning a new instrument should enrol through Music Information Night on Monday 10 February.


Carl Williams

Instrumental Music Coordinator

Sponsor a Seat in the PAC

We are inviting you to be a part of our Performing Arts Centre as a Seat Sponsor.


With your gift of $300 (Premium Seat in the front section of the theatre)  or $250 (General Seating) each, you can play your part in continuing to upgrade and create a state-of-the-art facility for use by our students, as well as the wider community.


A plaque will be placed on the back of each seat you sponsor. 


Commemorate your connection to EDSC in the name of your family, your son, daughter, business or someone else who is special.


This donation is fully tax deductible.  A receipt for tax purposes will be mailed to you.