Principal's Report

A very warm welcome to the new school year. As always the holiday period seemed to pass by very quickly but I do hope that the break allowed time for all in our College community to re-charge and enjoy time with family and friends.


It was wonderful to welcome our students back last week. There is always renewed enthusiasm at the start of a year with students excited to reconnect with their peers and teachers. We are also delighted to officially welcome our 462 Year 7 students and their families who are joining us this year. Likewise, I would also like to welcome our new students and families that have joined us across Years 8 to 12. I am confident that our current students will demonstrate our College values of care and compassion and respect as they welcome our new students and help them to settle in and make friends quickly.


I have no doubt that 2025 will offer an array of engaging and exciting opportunities for all students, both in and outside of the classroom, and I encourage all students to be open to new experiences and seek out opportunities to make the most of their school experience.


We conducted year level assemblies last week for all year levels and there was a common thread in my message to each year level. I reiterated to all students the high expectations that we have of ourselves and of them. High expectations of them as learners and high expectations of them as young people. This starts with always striving to do one’s best. Ensuring that their words and actions always demonstrate respect for self and others. Being prepared for learning and open to new learning experiences even when this is challenging. I have no doubt that every student can meet these expectations and will be provided with the support, strategies, resources and expertise that will enable each of them to become the best versions of themselves. 


I look forward to seeing our students thrive both inside and outside the classroom and I certainly look forward to celebrating and sharing the successes and achievements of our students throughout the year.

College Leadership

I am pleased to introduce our Leadership Team for 2025

Principal Team

Karen Boyle – Principal

Cameron Campbell – Assistant Principal- Student Wellbeing and Engagement and Operations

Jasvinder Kaur – Assistant Principal- Staff Development and Internationalising Education

Brett Lamb – Assistant Principal- Teaching and Learning

Katrina Leaumont – Assistant Principal- Senior School

Giulia Catalano – Assistant Principal- Middle School

Leading Teachers

Jarrod Sturnieks– Curriculum Coordinator

Justin D’Andrea– Teaching and Learning – Pedagogy 

Steve Hoffman – Timetable/Staffing

Niema Allan – Mathematics/Numeracy

Lily Trist – English/Literacy

Sally Polidano – Science/STEM

Brigid Fahey – Student Learning Performance

Tim Bourke – Student Voice & Community Engagement

Justin Bond -School Wide Positive Behaviour Supports

New and Returning Staff to EDSC

I am also very pleased to welcome the following teachers who are either returning from extended leave or starting with us for the first time in 2025:

New TeachersLearning Area
Hayley WilsonItalian
Lachlan HillierMaths/Science
George MaxwellEnglish/EAL
Andrew IaconoEnglish
Sarah CockroftArt/VCD
Nelson LeungMaths/Science
Monica SestitoItalian/EAL
Matilda BlakelyMaths/Science
Nan (Joanna) ZhouCommerce
Angelique PanagiotouMaths/Science
Lai YanlingMaths/Science
Russ WutherspoonHealth/PE
Tim WebsterHumanities/English
Grace GaoMaths/Science
Mary TurCommerce
Lily ChanCommerce
Mike MathewsFood Tech
Xuanru TaoFood Tech/Health
Gabriel MillerEnglish
Emily Densely WalkerHealth/PE
Nicholas NolanHealth/PE
Teena NewtonMaths/Science
Sian GregoryTechnology
Tanya VoEnglish/Humanities
Negi Zhu ZhouMaths/Science
Returning Teachers Learning Area
Alison BillingtonCommerce/Humanities
Paola MalatestaHumanities/Italian
Christina VemisHealth/Physical Education/Outdoor Ed
Luke MartynovFood Technology
Craig CarpenterMaths/Science

College Swimming Carnival

Our first major school event took place today with our Swimming and Diving Carnival. I had the opportunity to engage with many of our students throughout the day and it was wonderful to see them enjoying the day, not only via their participation in events, but also through connecting with their peers socially as they soaked in the atmosphere.  


Staff and students alike are always keen to see the creativity of the Year 12 students who traditionally arrive in an array of interesting and creative outfits. Today was no exception with our Year 12 cohort raising the bar in the creativity stake as they set out to create lasting memories for their final school year. As the day progressed, it was great so see participation across all year levels and some outstanding skills on display. The winning House team of the Carnival will be announced next week.


Michael James, our Sports Carnival Coordinator, will publish a full report of the Carnival in our next Newsletter.  Could I finally acknowledge the superb organisational effort of Michael and his team of staff helpers for their considerable work both before and during the day and pay a special tribute to our extended student leadership team for their efforts, enthusiasm and teamwork that made the day all the more rewarding. 

School Council Elections

Parents are invited to read the attached information about School Council Elections and consider whether they are able to make a tangible contribution to our College community by engaging in the overview and policy development of East Doncaster Secondary College. Further information is available on the Compass Newsfeeds and the College website. Please feel free to contact me at the College if you would like to discuss any matters related to our School Council.

Outstanding Student Achievement – an invitation

As we commence the new school year and welcome many new families to our College community - can I take this opportunity to remind families that we are always willing to hear of and share the deeds of our students in their sporting, academic, performing arts or community-based pursuits external to our College. We have, on a regular basis, students who are involved in a quite extraordinary array of activities and it is always a pleasure and with great pride that we seek to share those outcomes with our wider school community


Karen Boyle


Parent Payments 2025

Parent payment arrangements for 2025 are now available to view and action in Compass. 


We encourage all families to carefully read all the information provided and invite you to plan to make a financial contribution to the school for the 2025 year.


These payments support the objectives of the school, including the enhancement of student learning, access, equity, inclusion and wellbeing. The school ensures that costs to parents are kept to a minimum and are affordable for families.


We appreciate all the support that families provide to make East Doncaster Secondary College a school that is highly regarded for its commitment to excellence.