Parents' and Friends' Association (PFA)

Upcoming Events in Term 4:
Thank you for supporting the Zooper Doopers in 2024.
It will be a very warm day this Monday, so we will be offering students the opportunity to buy Zooper Doopers to stay cool. Our last Zooper Doopers day for the year!
If your child would like a Zooper Dooper this Monday, please ensure they have $1 and hand this to the teacher in the morning.
**Please make sure $1 is handed to your classroom teacher in the morning and that exact monies are sent with your child. We are not able to supply change.
The PFA would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a safe and joyous holiday break and New Year .
Thank you for your support this year, we can’t wait to provide more experiences, equipment and resources for our kids in 2025.
More information coming soon.
Please join us at our AGM scheduled for Wednesday 12th of February , 2025 if you are interested in joining us.
Thank you to our PFA 2024 Executive members, Class Representatives and General members.