Learning in 5/6I

Year 6 transitions to High School 

This term, the Year 6s have been preparing for a new year at high school. To do this, we have been preparing for our Graduation. We have worked long and hard to prepare our yearbook pages, captain speeches, one-liners, and much more. All of us have been so excited about Graduation, and we cannot wait for the wonderful disco with all of our friends. 

Over the last few weeks, the Year 6 boys and girls have had their orientations for their new high school. Some high schools that have had orientations so far include; Caulfield Grammar, Avila College, Mazenod College, Highvale Secondary, and Glen Waverley Secondary. During these orientations, students have found their new homerooms and sports houses, made new friends, and had an opportunity to meet their teachers and get used to a new school. The transition to high school was very different for most, as the buildings are much larger than primary school, the teachers and students may not be at all familiar to us, and there is a wider variety of subjects and opportunities that the students can get involved in. We are all so excited to go to high school, but we will miss all of the staff and students who make this school special.

- Written by Alessia Caruso



The End of Year Fun Day Movie and Walk 

This week on the 10th of December, the 5/6s had their end-of-year movie, where we all walked to Showbiz Cinema in Pinewood. We watched “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever”, a heartfelt movie about finding the true meaning of Christmas. Along the walk, we stopped off at a park to have our snack and got an opportunity to play on an amazing playground. The playground had a spider swing, regular swings, a slide, a flying fox, monkey bars, and a fun teacup ride. When we arrived at the movies, everyone got a small box of delicious movie popcorn.  Then we settled into our chairs and waited for the movie to begin. We all enjoyed the movie and had a wonderful time at Showbiz Cinemas!

- Written by Lori Tuna 




Kris Kringle - Acts of Kindness

Last Friday, we decided to do Kris Kringle with our class. We all picked a name randomly and wrote down all of our interests on a Google doc to help our KK decide what to get. Mrs Sedony explained to us that KK is not about the presents that you get, but how you receive them. During the week we have done small acts of kindness for our KK. For example, holding the door open for them, smiling at them, or even just asking them how they’ve been doing recently. We then decided what to get our KK, and when we wrapped their gifts, we wrote their name and then ‘From your KK’. Doing Kris Kringle also teaches us the benefits of being kind to others, not just to us, but to others as well.

- Written by Ariana Pilvar 




Yr 5’s met their Prep Buddies for 2025 

Last Friday, the Year 5’s met their adorable Prep Buddies for 2025. We were all so excited to meet them and to get to know them and we cannot wait to take care of them in the new year. The two activities we did with our buddies were a Get to Know You Christmas Poster, and Colour in the Christmas Character. After that, we met our buddy’s parents and gave them a letter from us telling them a little bit about us and we shook their hand as a symbol of kindness and respect. All of the Year 5’s were super happy!

- Written by Isaiah, Ciara and Ariana