Key Dates

*indicates a new date or change
Friday 13th
Year 6 Graduation Dinner
Sunday 15th
Third week of Advent- Joy
Monday 16th
Prep Excursion to Strike Bowling & Archie Brothers
Tuesday 17th
11:30-1:30pm End of Year Assembly & Arch of Honour
Students finish school year at 1:30pm
Wednesday 18th
School Closure day for Professional Learning
Thursday 19th
School Closure day for Time in Lieu
Friday 20th
School Closure day for Time in Lieu
Sunday 22nd
Fourth week on Advent- Love
2025 Dates
Tuesday 28th
School Closure Day - Staff Professional Learning
Wednesday 29th & Thursday 30th
Staff at school testing individuals and groups of students at their allocated times
Students are expected to be available to attend school at their allocated testing times and extended holidays will be considered an unexcused absence.
Friday 31st
Year 1-6 Students commence school (Prep individual testing)
Monday 3rd
Preps commence school
Wellbeing Week
Tues 4th
SAC Meeting
Tues 4th & Wed 5th
Meet & Greets
Wed 5th
Preps not at school. Individual Testing
Wednesday 12th
Preps not at school. Individual Testing
Thurs 13th
Open day for Prep 2026
Tues 11th
Play With Clay for Prep 2026
Wed 19th
Year 3-6 Lifesaving Excursion
Thurs 20th
School Photos
Tues 25th
*School Advisory Council AGM
Wed 26th
Open day for Prep 2026
ROAR Parent Information Session
PFA Pizza Lunch
Friday 28th Feb
Rob's final day as Principal
*SAC Welcome to School BBQ
Mon 3th- Wed 5th
Year 5/6 Sovereign Hill Camp
Tues 4th
Shrove Tuesday
Wed 5th
Ash Wednesday
Thurs 6th
Year 5/ 6 student rest from camp day
Mon 10th
Labor Day Public Holiday
Tuesday 11th
Open day for Prep 2026
12th-24th March
Year 3 & 5 NAPLAN testing
Mon 17th
St Patrick's feast day
Wed 19th
PFA Meeting
Mon 24th
Read with the Principal for Prep 2026
Wed 26th
PFA Sushi Day
Fri 4th
Last day of Term 1 - school ends at 1:30pm
Easter hat parade and liturgy
The following days will be School Closure Days in 2025:
Monday 19th May - Staff Professional Learning
Friday 6th June - Time in Lieu Acquittal
Monday 21st July - Staff Professional Learning
Friday 19th September - Staff Professional Learning
Monday 3rd November - Time in Lieu Acquittal
Monday 6th October - Staff Professional Learning
Thursday 18th December - Time in Lieu Acquittal
Friday 19th December - Time in Lieu Acquittal
School Closure Days and Camp Australia
Term 4 2024
Tuesday 17th December - Early Finish 1.30pm (last day of the year for students) OHSC Open