Principal's Report 

Dear Families,


This is the last newsletter of the year and all students will finish school at 1:30pm on Tuesday when there will be an opportunity to say goodbye to our wonderful students and families. The news that Aimee Gale is leaving her role of Deputy Principal at St Leonard's is very sad for our community. At times of change it is important to be focussed on being grateful. At today's Mass, Father John reflected on Matthew's gospel 5:13-16 and spoke about letting our light shine  before others. I have really enjoyed working closely with Aimee over the past 5 years and I am proud of our achievements as a team. Aimee has truly let her light shine for me and the school. I am grateful for all Aimee has done to support me, the students, staff and parents. To know that Aimee is moving to a principalship fills me with joy and hope for the future of her new school and the students and families whom will benefit from the light of her presence.

We are confident about the future

Although Aimee and I will take on new positions, I would like to reassure the school community that both Aimee and I have every confidence that our leadership team and staff will maintain the high standard of learning and teaching, wellbeing, support and care for the school community that we have nurtured over the past 6 years.


Why are we confident?

  • I will be here for the first month of 2025 to welcome everyone, set the school theme and the tone for the year.
  • Staff, including specialist teachers, classroom teachers, learning support staff and our leadership team are all returning to ensure consistency.
  •  Aimee and the staff have already planned the teaching and learning for Term 1 2025 and curriculum overviews for the whole year.
  • Our School Improvement Plan goals for the next 4 years have stemmed from our very successful school review. 
  • Our Annual Action Plan of goals for 2025 are strong and will be followed over the course of 2025. 
  • Times of change can be opportunities for new people to take on roles and add value to what is already an outstanding school and school community.

A Message from Miss Gale


It seems like yesterday that I began my role as Deputy Principal at this wonderful school. As an educator I am delighted that I have been given the opportunity to be a Principal, however, it is with a very heavy heart that I say goodbye and leave the St Leonard’s community. 

Over the past 5 years I have experienced the special community spirit that is unique to St. Leonard’s. I have been truly blessed to have been a part of this amazing community and I wish to thank you all for your friendship and generous support throughout my time here. 

It has been a privilege to have been able to work with such dedicated and passionate staff. There is high morale amongst staff here and I will miss working alongside them. The students have made being part of this school a real joy. Their school spirit and their friendliness is to be commended and I will miss all the greetings at the gate in the morning.

I thank Fr. John and Rob Horwood for their pastoral care, thoughtful guidance and support and for giving me the opportunity to be part of something that makes saying goodbye so hard.

As I leave the comfort and security of St. Leonard’s to venture into the unknown I will take with me all I have experienced and the knowledge gained and keep a special place in my heart for all my memories of this amazing St. Leonard’s community. 


With love and heartfelt thanks, Aimee Gale.


With the changes in staff for 2025, we congratulate Angela Foale on being appointed Acting Deputy Principal from the start of the year. Angela has been developing her leadership skills by being part of the leadership team for the past 5 years and understands the vision and high expectations we hold at St Leonards. This will keep us in good stead into the future. Angela is currently out of the class on Tuesday and Wednesday and this will be extended to Mondays. Suzan Atyimas will now teach the class from Monday to Wednesday. Angela will continue to teach 1/2C on Thursdays and Fridays. Amanda Jolly will be leading Literacy Intervention and Cathy Verbyla leading Maths Intervention to further support the Year 1 / 2 students.


A Message from Angela Foale

It is with great excitement and gratitude that I write to share the news of my new role as Acting Deputy Principal at St Leonard’s. This school is more than just a place where I work - it holds a special place in my heart. As a parent, all three of my children attended St Leonard’s and as a member of the parish, I have seen firsthand the strong sense of community that defines our school. 

I have been teaching for 25 years and my passion for providing the best environment for students to thrive has only deepened over the years. This marks my tenth year at St Leonard’s. Having taught Prep for the first nine of those years, I take great pride in  knowing all the students and families in the school, building strong relationships as they progress through the school. I have also had the privilege of being part of the Leadership team for the past six years. During this time, I’ve worked closely with my colleagues to create a productive, positive, and inclusive learning environment for all our students. 

As I step into this new role, I am excited to continue the vision that Rob Horwood, Aimee Gale and others before them, have set for St Leonard’s. Their leadership has shaped the direction of our school and I am committed to ensuring that we build on that foundation, always prioritising the success and well-being of our students. 

I look forward to collaborating with the incredible staff, students and families to maintain and grow the positive learning environment that makes St Leonard’s so special. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions, ideas or feedback, as we work together toward another successful year.

Thank you for welcoming me into this new role. I am excited to continue this journey with all of you and to contribute to the ongoing growth of our school community.

Over the years, I have gained a deep understanding of each student's strengths, personalities, and unique needs, which has helped me foster a supportive learning environment. Additionally, I have had the privilege of leading the wellbeing team for 5 years, working closely with staff to ensure that the wellbeing of our students and families is always a top priority.   


Looking forward to working with you, Angela Foale


Year 6 Families leaving the School

I give a special mention to families leaving St. Leonard’s and I thank them for their support of our school. I wish these families every success in the future. I hope they will always be proud to say that they atetnded St. Leonard's.

3 Years

Muduganti Family, Pradeep Family

6 Years

Jacob Family, Joseph Family, Perera Family

7 Years

Jeon Family, Senn Family

8 Years 

Kennedy Family

9 Years

Foukis Family, Pane Family

10 Years

Floyd Family, Forster Family, Gillard Family, Kalamaras Family, Lombardi Family

11 Years

Ariyanto Family, Caruso Family, Diano Family, Lee Family

12 Years

Hjorth Family, Jayawardena Family, Le Grand Family

14 Years

Karagiannis Family, Kotliar-Dashevsky Family, Kun Family


I thank the following students who are leaving the school, for being part of our school family:  Ethan H Prep B, Jostin 2D, Tracy 2E, Macy 2C, Elijah 2E, Zoe D 3G & Spencer 5J


Prayer for the Third Week of Advent

This Sunday will be the third Sunday of Advent. Advent is a time of joyful expectation and eager preparation for Christmas. There is joy in looking forward to Christmas and especially in recalling the birth of Jesus on the first Christmas. 


The third week of Advent is the candle of joy

This third candle is pink and symbolises rejoicing. During the third week of Advent we are filled with joy for the near arrival of Jesus on Christmas day. This Sunday is often called "Gaudete Sunday" as we reflect on the joy the shepherd's felt at the birth of Jesus


Heavenly Father,

In this Advent season, we are especially in need of joy.

Let us pray inspired by the words of St Teresa of Avila:

Christ has no body now but ours

No hands, no feet on earth but ours.

Ours are the eyes through which he looks with compassion on this world

Ours are the feet with which he walks to do good.

Ours are the hands with which he blesses all the world.

Christ has no body now but ours.


May your celebration of Christmas be blessed with the joy and peace of Christ’s coming, and may you and your family take that joy and peace with you into all you do in 2024.


Christmas at St Leonard's

Father John would like to welcome all families to attend the 

Christmas Eve 6.30pm or 9pm Mass and the

Christmas Day Mass at 8.30am or 10am. 

Prep Nativity

Our amazing Preps have dressed up and taken on their roles for the traditional Christmas Nativity Play. Watching the students proudly and confidently performing in the Christmas Nativity Play was a real joy for us all. I thank the Prep staff for organising the play, which is over 30 years old. The confidence shown by the Preps was delightful. I encourage families to set up a nativity scene or allow the children to make one and place it in a prominent position in your home so that you can discuss the true meaning of Christmas. I have asked the students to think of the nativity story and to say a prayer about the birth of Jesus, on Christmas Day.


It was exciting to hear that Paul and Jessica, parents of Andre in Prep A, have had a beautiful baby girl, named Mariah, on Tuesday. Both mother and baby are well.

The Last Day of School

On Tuesday 17th at 11:30am we are inviting all parents and the families of the 2025 School Captains to our final assembly, which will be held in the hall. After the assembly we invite families to join us as we watch the graduating class pass through an archway of honour on the basketball court from 1- 1:15pm. After the teachers have said some final farewells to their students, 5/6 parents are welcome to join staff and Year 5/ 6 students for a final time to take photos and say a final farewell.

End of Year Assembly

From 11:30am-1pm next Tuesday we will have a special end of year Assembly to re-present the awards given out at the Year 6 Graduation to the Friendship Club's Student of the Year, the Carina Garland MP Community Spirit Award and the Rotary Club of Glen Waverley's Sporting Attitude Award. The light of leadership will be passed between the 2024 and 2025 school captains. A farewell from the students will be made for Aimee Gale. The end of year assembly will be followed by the archway of honour and this will take place on the basketball court at approximately 1-1:30pm. Parents are welcome to join our line lines and cheer on the students leaving.

Best Chance Toy Drive

Our Best Chance Toy Drive has been an overwhelming success! Thanks to the incredible generosity of St Leonard's families, we've already surpassed our goal of 200 toys for 200 children. Cheryle Jones from Best Chance has already picked up a carload of toys, and they'll soon be bringing joy to children in need. 

Thank you for your kindness and support.

To Mr Robert Horwood and Mr Anthony Adaman,

I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank you for your recent generosity to support families in need.

As you are aware, bestchance is a not-for-profit organisation with the aim of building stronger communities, healthier families and happier childhoods.  We achieve this through early childhood education and care, children's therapy services, our specialist primary school for vulnerable students and our Family Support Services.

Each year, bestchance calls for community assistance around this time of year to help ease the burden for vulnerable parents and children.  We are so grateful for your school community’s contribution this year to our Family Support Services, through your annual toy drive.

Our Family Support Services provide wraparound support for families experiencing tough times. We offer in-home support, playgroups, financial aid and advocacy for parents and children experiencing crisis.  

The toys generously donated by your school community will help brighten the holiday season for the children and families we support.

Thank you for your kindness.  You have made a difference to those in need.

Please find attached an article and photo which I hope you will be able to share with your school community. 

Kind regards


Thank You’s

I would like to thank Father John Dowling for his collaboration, support and for his leadership in faith. Father John is an integral part of our school. He leads us to develop and enrich our prayer lives and has a prominent role in the formation of the children as they receive the sacraments and in the formation of staff in their teaching roles. Father John’s support, wisdom and advice to the staff and to me, personally, has been very much appreciated.


I would like to thank our Leadership Team, particularly our Deputy Principal, Teaching and Learning Leader and Maths Leader, Aimee Gale who has collaborated closely with staff in designing a dynamic, contemporary and engaging curriculum for the students. 


I thank Patricia Zomer our Learning Diversity Leader for forging strong relationships between people and for ensuring that each child’s needs are being addressed. I'm very pleased to announce that Erin Sinclair, our Educational and Developmental Psychologist will return in 2025.


Angela Foale, our Wellbeing Leader, has planned wellbeing initiatives for the students and I thank her for always putting the children first. Angela has also been out Prep-Year 2 Literacy Leader. Tricia- Rose Robinson has done a fabulous job as our Caring for Kids leader and has really supported the students in the playground. 


Anthony Adaman has worked effectively with the staff to design engaging Religious Education programs and to create contemporary and meaningful connections to the children’s everyday experiences, the sacraments and masses. We thank Anthony for his leadership in keeping our wonderful traditions and for introducing some new ideas to engage families. 


I thank Cathy Verbyla and Eska Ta, our Maths Intervention teachers and Amanda Jolly our Year 3-6 Literacy Intervention teacher who, worked together to ensure that staff are targeting their teaching to the needs of the students in their class. They also effectively taught and supported groups of students and individual students.


The success of our school can largely be attributed to all the dedicated and hard-working classroom teachers and specialist staff. It is their relationships with the students and their families that makes a difference. I am very grateful for the staff’s constant professionalism, skill and commitment to achieving learning growth for all students.


Our Learning Support Staff do an amazing job each day, completing their invaluable work in assisting the children with their learning at their point of need. I sincerely thank them for their hard work, compassion and focus on learning.


Elaine Whitton has worked closely with students, staff and families as our speech therapist. I am pleased to announce that Elaine’s important work will continue next year.


Maria’s role as School Bursar includes keeping detailed and accurate records and staffing and budgeting information. This information is vital in keeping the school financially healthy. Thank you, Maria. Maria worked closely with Deshika, our MACS Business manager and we also thank Deshika.


Maria D’Angelo and Nalika Thilakaratne support me in my position, and the school in many ways in the role of office administration. Maria, Nalika and Deshika make up an office team who work together, providing support to students, staff and the community. They run a very efficient office and assist many people during the busy day. We appreciate Maria and Nalika's manner, sensitive empathy and practical action when working with the children who arrive in sick bay.


A huge thanks to the School Advisory Council for supporting and giving advice to Father John and myself. The Parents’ and Friends’ Association have raised money for school resources and have built a sense of community for our school. Thanks to Ruwan Perera (SAC Chairperson) and Christina Paone (PFA President) for their leadership of each group.


I thank the group of volunteer parents who have assisted in the classrooms, on excursions and sporting events. We also have volunteers without children attending our school. Thank you to Mrs Barb Sadler for assisting in the library, each Wednesday morning for the past 9 years.

2025 Testing Days Wednesday January 29th and Thursday January 30th 

In 2025, we are starting the year with two testing days to enable the staff to gather data to inform the teaching and learning programs for the first term. 

Year 1-2

The Year 1-2 testing will be done one on one, so only one child can be signed up in each slot. Year 1-2 students will be required to come in for 1 hour. If you have an older student who is staying for 2 hours, your Year 1-2 child can stay until the older child has finished their testing. 

Year 3-6

The Year 3-6 testing will be completed in small groups of up to 5 students, so there is space for 5 students in each slot. Year 3-6 students will be required to stay for 2 hours. For this testing you may like to select your child’s teacher if there are slots available. 


Please use the link in the Operoo message, to sign up for Year 1-2 & 3-6 testing:


A reminder that the students in Year 1-6 commence school on Friday 31st January 2025.


  • I congratulate the Prep and Year 1 Students who participated in handwriting lessons over the year, with Jane Hall. They should be very proud of the improvements they have made.
  • Attached is some photos of the students in 3/4G’s Twelve Days of Kindness activity. The students made their own envelopes and wrote in a random act of kindness on the inside of each of them. The aim is to open one each morning and complete the act of kindness each day. 
  • Congratulations to Elyssia from 3 / 4 G as her design was selected to be on her father's work Christmas cards. Elyssia also chose Very Special Kids as the charity to direct a $1000 donation to. This is a wonderful effort in spreading cheer and funds to those in need.


  • Thanks to Melanie & Justin for coordinating and working at the barbeque lunch and to Diane, Lina & Steph from the PFA and Anthony, Daniel & Frank for cooking the barbeque lunch for the students on Wednesday.
  • Thank you to the PFA and parents who ran a very successful Christmas stall on Thursday.


On behalf of everyone in our St Leonard's school family, we wish every family a very happy, safe and holy Christmas. We look forward to seeing everyone in the new year.


Robert Horwood
