Community Engagement
I would like to thank the school community very much for a fabulous year in the role of Inclusion Outreach Coach at Croydon SDS. A highlight of my work has been leading the Community Engagement Team, made up of:
Jacqui Walker
Donna Fullerton
Linda Garland
Catherine Bahr
Kim Wilson
Our team has researched, planned and facilitated a number of initiatives and events this year, including:
Reconciliation Week
International Day of Friendship
Families from Myanmar afternoon teas
Partnering with Foundation House
Translations of information into our 5 main languages in our newsletter In Touch
Working with interpreters and liaisons to communicate effectively with our families
Sharing our learning with staff
Organising future professional learning for staff in 2025
We have learnt a great deal about our culturally diverse school community, and we have enjoyed sharing our learning with all staff. There are plans next year for this learning to continue and you will see continued work to engage our families in all school activities, since we genuinely value your partnership in your child's education.
Here is some of our learning this year:
I am finishing up in this role as I am moving to Queensland to be close to my daughter and grandson and I look forward to hearing all about the fabulous work of the Community Engagement Team at Croydon SDS. I am positive that the new Inclusion Outreach Coach, Luke will confidently lead the team in some really great work next year.
All the very best, Jacqui Walker