From our Principal

Christine Pillot

Showcase and Shine / Christmas Raffle Winners

It was wonderful to see so many students, families and staff attend and enjoy our students Showcase and Shine on Wednesday night.  You certainly helped to make it a great interactive community event.   


A huge thank you to Leanne and her family for organising our Christmas Raffle this year. Leanne has been working quietly behind the scenes throughout most of the year, collecting and purchasing items, then beautifully presenting the hampers to be raffled. Congratulations to the following winners:  Ryan P, Moses, Everly, Sarah F, Kylie, Xavier A, 

Eileen G, Sam, Pam M, Maddie, Charlie V-W, Samuel, Riley and Jack.


Thank you to everyone who purchased a ticket to support our school.  The funds are going towards play equipment. 


Well done to all students and families who completed the scavenger Hunt; Pu Lu Ku was the winner of the scavenger hunt draw. 


As previously announced, next year we are pleased to offer an outside school hours care program.  Interchange Outer East (IOE) will be the provider of our onsite program offering an after school and school holiday program.   IOE are currently planning the program to commence gradually throughout term 1, 2025.


This will be a fully funded OSHC program.  There will be capacity limit on student numbers, which will be slightly higher for the school holiday program.  If you are interested in accessing the program next year, please see the details on the OSHC@IOE flyer to make an expression of interest.  


2025 Staffing 

We are excited to announce our team of staff for 2025:

Primary Leader, (including EEP): Jess M 

EEP: Catherine, Allison, Belinda and Pauline

Primary 1: Teachers - Jaymee, Olivia, Jess B (new) and Maria (new).  ES - Alex, Khaleda (new), Kate, Jodie and Hannah

Primary 2: Teachers - Justin, Rosie and Babitha. ES - Vena, Shelby, Amy (new) and Jack 

Primary Support: Liz, Asher (new) and Angela

Secondary Leader: Nick 

Secondary: Nick, Megan and Berenise. ES - Kerry, Alex, Kylie, Desi, Jack, Megan C (new), Belinda and Pauline.

       Secondary Support: Fiona and Caitlyn

Transition Leader: Sam

Transition: Adrienne and Carol. ES - Jenny-Lyn and Ramlah

      Transition Support: Janine, Laura and Jen

Specialist Leader: Lauren

Swimming: Ben

Art: TBC

Dream Big: Yvonne

Therapy Groups: Eliza and Nikki

Family and School Partnerships Team:

Family Support Coordinator: Linda

NDIS Navigator: Libby

Disability Inclusion Coordinator: Donna

Administration Leader: Val

Administration: Val, Sandra and June

Maintenance: Alesh

Allied Health Leader: Julie

Speech Pathologists: Julie, Natalie and Philippa 

Occupational Therapist: Eliza andBrooke (from Term 2)

Mental Health Practitioner: Katie

Allied Health Assistant: Karen

First Aid: Helen

Principal Class: 

Principal: Christine 

Assistant Principal: Judith 

2025 Transition Activities

On Monday this week students participated in a transition session.  Students will join another transition activity next Monday, (16 December, 2-3pm) where they will move to their 2025 section and class to start to become familiar with their new class, room and staff, as well as learn about the programs they will participating in next year.  

Students Leaving Croydon SDS

On Wednesday night it was a pleasure to be part of the graduation ceremony for our three students in their final year of school, Joel, Hamish and Brodie, celebrating their school journey with family, friends and school staff.  Congratulations to these students on completing many successful years at Croydon SDS.  


Joel, Hamish and Brodie have demonstrated great growth over the years and have been wonderful school leaders and role models to their younger peers during their final years in transition.  


I would like to say a big thank you to Joel and Hamish for their great work as school captains.  It was a delight working with both Joel and Hamish to co-host weekly Croydon SDS Principal Awards assemblies each Friday.  As leaders, their speaking, listening and overall leadership skills developed over the year, which saw their confidence and maturity grow. 


We know Joel, Hamish and Brodie will continue their learning and apply their skills in new adventures post school.  We look forward to hearing about their future. 


We also say goodbye to Liam who will be moving school next year.  We wish Liam all the best in his new school. 


Staff Leaving Croydon SDS

We have a number of staff leaving us at the end of this year; Rachel, Shalini (12 months leave), Robyn, Kim, Jolean, Dave, Hannah Da, Dushaan, Mary, and Jacqui.


On behalf of the school community, we thank each and every one of these staff for their work and contributions to help our students succeed.  We wish these staff well in their next adventures, whether retirement or in a new workplace.