Student News 


HeadStart is in full swing in the Science department. 

The VCE Biology Unit 3/4 class successfully extracted DNA from a strawberry. It was a good way to brush up on their practical skills before 2025 and take some time away from their books post revision and Unit 2 exams. 

The current Grade 5’s got an introduction into ‘what is science’ and will be using a range of measuring equipment during HeadStart with Ms Brown to ensure a smooth transition next year.

Students in next years 7-10 program have had the opportunity to use a Scanning Electron Microscope (a fancy microscope) on loan from Gene Technology Access Centre (GTAC) in Melbourne. Ms Campbell and Ms Brown have used HeadStart to focus on microscope usage in preparation for Biology in Term 1.

Student of the Week Awards

Term 4

Week 9



Jack Billing - Kindness - for showing honesty in all situations 

Ella Wickham  - Growth Mindset - for your impressive effort when presenting your persuasive speech to the class 


Week 8


Max Billing - Growth Mindset - For working so hard in maths. Your knowledge is amazing. Well done.

Christopher Gherashe Respect - For helping clean up items from the discovery room. Thank-you!



Mason Toth - Growth Mindset -For having a ‘red hot go’ in our Sounds Write sessions.

Charli Reeves - Respect - For consistently making an effort with your work and being a valued member of our classroom.

3/4 - Seth Madzarevic - respect - For being such a respectful member of the class while Mrs Britton was away.

Erica Gibbins - Kindness - For being such a kind and helpful member of the class while Mrs Britton was away. 



Levi Martin - Respect - for staying focused in class to complete all of your learning. 

Alex Dennis - Growth Mindset - for the great effort you put into memorising your persuasive speech.